Page 180 of A Whisper in the Dark

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Damn Corbi for putting him at risk like this.

He was so caught up in his angry thoughts, he almost didn’t process what he was seeing until he was less than twenty feet away.

Hunter was walking toward him, leaning against the side of a large stone building for support. The second he spotted Odin he stopped in his tracks. The overhang of the building helped keep him shrouded in shadows, that added to the fact the streetlights were far enough away to only cast a pale golden glow in his general direction, and Odin may have missed him if he hadn’t been searching so closely.

“The time for running is over, Little Whisper,” Odin growled as he approached, still furious and nervous about being out in the open like this. “I’ll drag you from the dark kicking and screaming if I have to.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Hunter replied, grimacing when Odin reached out and touched his shoulder.

“What happened?” There were no obvious injuries, but now that he was closer, he could tell that the Huntsman was favoring his left side.

“Where is my sister?” Loni ran up to them, stilling a few feet away when Odin let out a feral-sounding growl in warning.

“I didn’t mean to,” Hunter told them, and suddenly it was obvious he was also a little bit out of it, his vision not quite clear. “I just did it to get her to stop.”

“Did what?” Odin shielded him from Loni’s view and cupped his cheeks, tipping his head up so he could get a better look at him. Aside from the slightly cloudy look in his eyes, he seemed present enough to know what was going on. “Tell me, Huntsman. What happened?”

“I crashed the hovercar,” he said. “She wasn’t going to stop and I needed to get back to you.”

“She kidnapped you?” It took everything in him not to punch a hole into the stone wall Hunter was leaning against.

How could she? He’d trusted her the most out of everyone.

“She ended up swerving to avoid another vehicle and hit a pole. She was unconscious when I left.”

“Where?!” Loni made to run past them in the direction it was obvious Hunter had been coming from. But she didn’t get very far.

They were already close to the end of the street, and just then Corbi turned the corner. She had blood dripping from her forehead, but that was the least of her concerns. The second she spotted them—more importantly, Odin—she turned pale, and her eyes widened with fear.

He had his blaster out and trained on her before he even knew what he was doing.

“Don’t!” Loni cried, jumping between him and her sister.

“Odin.” Hunter rested a hand on his arm and shook his head.

He opened his mouth to tell them both to stand down, but he didn’t get that far.

Corbi had been with him since she’d been a kid, and he’d practically raised her. She’d done an unforgivable thing, but not a single one of them could say they’d never done anything wrong before. Maybe he would have forgiven her after a bit of a scare. Maybe he would have pulled the trigger after all.

Odin would never know.

Because before he could do anything else, a shadow stepped up behind Corbi.

Her scream echoed through the streets, louder than a canon.

Chapter 17:

They all watched in horror as frost coated Corbi’s skin, skating over her, freezing her from both the inside and outside at the same time. The scream caught in her throat as her vocal cords were frozen, and though Odin had started toward her, there was no way he was going to be able to make it in time and he knew it.

The whole process happened in less than a minute. One second she was standing there trembling under his fury, and the next she was encased in a sheet of ice.

The shadow behind her gave a little shove, almost as if it was a chore for him to even bother, and her body toppled forward, hitting the concrete sidewalk and shattering into a million dark red pieces.

Loni dropped to her knees and vomited.

Odin didn’t see Hunter’s reaction, too busy backing up into him to block him from the threat.

Isa took another step forward, carelessly crunching shards of what had once been Corbi beneath his leather boots. He settled his hands on his hips and tipped his head, the corner of his mouth lifting in mockery. “Hello, brother.”
