Page 187 of A Whisper in the Dark

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He stepped back and placed his palm against the keypad, maintaining eye contact with Hunter the entire time. The Huntsman’s brow was furrowed in obvious confusion, but he didn’t make to follow, allowing Odin to put space between them as the door clicked and opened on its own.

With his chin, Odin motioned to the empty hall.

“It’s unguarded,” he said. “There’s no one standing outside waiting to wrestle you back in. You won’t be stopped at the exit either. No one will follow you.”


“If it’s money that’s stopping you, I’ll give you enough to survive with. You won’t have to worry about returning to that sad life you had before.”

Hunter’s frown only deepened. “Why are you doing this? Are you trying to pay me off? Tell me that now that the threat is gone, you no longer need me or something?”

“No,” he shook his head. “I’m telling you that you don’t need to force yourself to stay because I no longer will. If you wish to leave, Little Whisper, the door is open for you.”

The look he gave him next was wary. “And you’ll…just give me a bunch of money and let me go?”

“Yes.” Odin barely resisted the urge to take it back, slam the door shut, and toss Hunter onto the bed. Instead, he made himself stand there, still as a statue, afraid if he moved even a little he’d cave and make a grab for Hunter and give his inner turmoil away.

“What if I say I want enough money for passage off planet?” Hunter asked. “You still going to give it to me?”

If he left Sanctum there’d be no way for Odin to ever locate him. He’d be well and truly gone with no hope of ever getting him back.

His jaw clenched tightly when he tried to say yes, the word getting caught in his throat.

Hunter hummed. “You wouldn’t, would you?”

He hesitated but that was enough.

“While I appreciate this,” the Huntsman waved a finger between them and the still-open door and took a step closer, “you could always just skip the dramatics and use your words to tell me exactly what it is you’re trying to get across.”

“Why do I have the feeling you’re already aware of what I’m trying to get across?”

“Because I am. But I want you to say it.”

“If I do…” He cleared his throat. “Will you still go?”

Hunter quirked a brow. “I don’t recall ever saying I was going to go in the first place.”

“This is your one chance, Huntsman, and I’m barely holding myself back as it is. If you pass this up, I’m never letting you leave me. Ever. I’m not a good person. I’m the Dominus of the largest Brumal in the universe and now there’s no one left on the planet who can challenge me. No one will help you if you try to run.”

“There’s still Loni,” he pretended to consider it. “She’d probably get me out if I asked.”

“If you follow one more person out—”

He clicked his tongue, shaking his head for good measure. “No, no, that’s not the script you were going for this time, remember?”

Odin watched him silently for a second and then, “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you.”

It wasn’t a question because it was so obvious, but Hunter responded to it anyway.

“Not yet,” he said slyly. “But I do anticipate the fucking to begin shortly.”



“I’m trying to be a better person here, at least toward you.”

“I know.”
