Page 189 of A Whisper in the Dark

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“As Whisper and Shout.”

“You’re so much more to me than just that.” He grasped the back of his head and lowered him down so he could capture his mouth in a sensual kiss, knowing the slower pace would drive the other man wild and put an end to this melancholy mood.

There was a lot for them to discuss and figure out. But all of that could wait until tomorrow. Right now, Odin wanted one thing and one thing only.

“Tell me you’re mine, Huntsman.”

True to his stubborn nature to the last, Hunter merely grinned and then bit down hard enough on his own bottom lip to draw blood.

“How about I show you instead, Snow.”


Hunter moaned, too lost in the heat waves pouring out of the both of them and the sparks of pleasure ricocheting throughout his body to care who might be listening on the other side of the closed and locked door.

They were in the Room with a View, just the two of them this time, with Odin seated in the center of the large leather couch same as he’d been that night he’d had Hunter dragged here. Only now, Hunter was the one in charge of his cock, not some stranger picked at random from the bar.

He leaned back, settling his back against Odin’s chest, his head on his shoulder, as he continued to bounce up and down on that thick length. Snow had his hands secured on his waist, helping him move, rolling his hips to meet Hunter every time he dropped and buried him deep. His thighs were burning but he hardly noticed, the strain from this position only adding to the rush somehow.

Then Odin captured his chin and tilted his head, sealing their mouths together and it was enough to have Hunter tipping over the edge.

He screamed and stilled, come splattering over his thighs and onto the floor. Before he could start to feel embarrassed about making a mess that someone was no doubt going to be ordered to clean up, he found himself pressed down into the couch.

Odin repositioned himself at Hunter’s back, forcing his thighs apart, and then thrust his cock back inside. He took him hard and fast, chasing his own release, shushing Hunter when he started to sputter as oversensitivity took over.

“Tell me again, Huntsman,” he demanded, and if not for the collecting heat in his lower region, Hunter might have rolled his eyes.

“It’s literally our wedding day,” he reminded, only to have Odin drive in as deep as he could go as punishment, causing him to cry out again as his abused ass was made to take it.

They’d agreed not to do anything fancy since it wasn’t Hunter’s style and had never been something he’d wanted. There was a party happening in the club with an open bar available for the entire night, but that was about it. They’d signed the papers with Wren and Jita present as witnesses and the latter had taken them off to be officialized.

Since that’d been a couple of hours ago, it was safe to assume they were considered married by now.

He’d almost suggested they skip it since things had run pretty smoothly since Frost’s death a month ago, but it’d been so obvious Odin wouldn’t drop it, Hunter had eventually opted to go through with it just to make the other guy happy. It wasn’t like being married was some great hardship for him in any case. Now, not only would he be recognized as Odin’s partner in the Brumal, but by the government.

Though, he was pretty sure he could have just asked the new Emperor to do him a favor and change the law to include Whispers.

“Tell me,” Odin said against the curve of his ear, the gruffness of his voice a good indicator that he was close.

“I’m yours,” Hunter moaned after a particularly rough thrust.


He needed a second to catch his breath since Snow was picking up the pace, and it was making it hard for him to breathe, let alone formulate words.

But Odin didn’t like that, and he growled in warning.

“I love you,” Hunter said, inhaling sharply when he finally felt Odin release inside of him. They both gasped as he emptied, dropping down to blanket Hunter with his heavy body, making it uncomfortable and impossible for him to move.

“Get off,” he demanded after Odin seemed to come back to himself.

“I just did.” He chuckled. “I need a minute to recover and then I can do so again.”

“Absolutely not.” This was already the fourth time. “You know how much we’re paying for this party? The one that you wanted to throw?”

Odin chuckled and nuzzled the back of his neck. “Oh, Little Whisper, haven’t you realized I only did that to keep everyone else distracted so I could sequester you away and fuck you to my heart’s content without interruption?”

He opened his mouth and closed it. Tried again. “You did not.”
