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She took that as a go-ahead. “You want to fuck him, sir.”

He almost choked on the shot he’d just taken, coughing once before glaring at her.

“You also want revenge for what he did,” she quickly continued before he could deliver another overstep. “Wouldn’t it work in your favor if it turned out he did like you all those years ago?”

Corbi was no romantic. She didn’t understand the concept of forgiveness either, so it was obvious she wasn’t saying that, insinuating the two of them could share their feelings and ride off into the sunset with one another.

No, she was pointing out how blinded by his own anger he’d been all this time. He’d refused to believe that Hunter had ever considered him as anything more than a mark because the alternative made something in his stomach twist. But…What reason did he have for discomfort?

It reminded him of the trust he’d placed in both Hunter and Isa, sure. But he’d dealt with those demons, had sorted through the self-hatred that had burned brightly within him for a year or two. Hatred over how he could have been so easily played, so stupid to believe the words Isa told him.

Stupid to be distracted in that forest because he’d been determined to show Hunter a kindness he hadn’t deserved.

Odin wasn’t fooled this time, and the last thing on his mind was showing the Huntsman any semblance of kindness.

“His sister was murdered because he failed to kill me,” he reminded, but his mind was already shifting through all the possible ways she was right.

“There will be resentment, of course,” she agreed, easily understanding what he was getting at. “But again, he doesn’t have to like you to want you.”

“If he doesn’t want me, it wouldn’t matter. Wouldn’t taking him against his will be more humiliating?” Odin had never done that before, forced a lover into his bed. It wasn’t a new concept though, not where Hunter was concerned.

Admittedly, he’d made that comment about sleeping with him on a whim to freak him out, but now that the idea had been planted…

Odin always got what he wanted, and if what he wanted was Hunter wrapped around his cock, he’d get it.

“I doubt he wants you now,” Corbi said. “Attraction only goes so far, and he’s been on the run for so long. Not to mention you aren’t kids anymore. But if he really did want you back then, and those looks you say he gave you weren’t all part of an act…”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Be careful what you wish for.”

She lifted a shoulder in a shrug. “You’re the one who taught me mind games are better than any other kind of torture.”

Yes, and Hunter and Isa had been the ones to teach Odin.

“Whatever.” He got off the chair, sweeping the room until he caught the eye of someone who’d been gazing at him longingly. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned the guy forward, only partially amused when he was so eager he practically tripped on his way across the dancefloor. “What do you say, Corbi? Want to get your little investigation kick-started?”


The guy stopped a few feet away, smartly waiting while Odin took a better look at him. He was smaller than his typical taste, leaner too, but there was a smattering of blue glitter beneath his wide green eyes that Odin liked, and his lips were full and plush, the color of ripe berries.

Decided, Odin sent a wolfish grin to Corbi, who was watching him now with a slight frown across her face. A rare sight, and one that only had the spark of mischief in his gut growing.

“Bring the Huntsman to the Room with a View,” he ordered. “Let’s see if he can trick you the way he tricked me all those years ago.”

This was a bad idea on so many levels.

But Odin Snow was hardly known for being good.

* * *

This guy—he said his name was Louis or Louie or some shit like that—was way too vocal and not in a good way. Odin felt like they were trying to put on a production as he rested back on the velvet couch in the VIP room on the third floor.

To his right, a floor-to-ceiling window overlooked the city in all its splendor, twinkling lights and flashing neon signs sparkling outside, the lights reflecting even more from the rain splatter against the glass. It’d started pouring a few minutes ago, and the loud pattering of rain helped drown out the incessant moans and grunts of Louis or Louie as he sucked Odin’s cock.

He sounded like a porn star but lacked all the necessary skills to be one.

Odin had been finding it difficult to stay hard even, practically unheard of for him, and was this close to nixing the whole idea and shoving Louis or Louie away when the door clicked open on the other side of the medium-sized room.

Hunter appeared, coming to a halt just within the doorframe as soon as his eyes landed on Odin. Corbi shoved him in the rest of the way, not bothering to be overly careful of his injuries, and he lost his footing, slamming to the ground on his knees with a sharp, pained sound.
