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Another man stepped forward, then, First, Isa’s underboss. He, like the rest of the Frost family branch, was also dressed in white, though less flashy than his boss. His mask was a pale shade of blue. Without pause, First leaned in to whisper something into Isa’s ear. Whatever it’d been, it was obvious that it was about Odin, because before the man had even pulled away, Isa’s gaze was searching the crowd.

He found Odin quickly, those icy eyes locking onto him and holding.

Then the bastard smiled.

Chapter 12:

They’d been in the same room since the incident—once when Odin had returned to the city and made his presence and his hold on the Snow family known, and a few other times throughout the years at one event or another that neither of them had been able to miss. But this was the first time they were meeting here, and Odin armed himself with a relaxed demeanor and a flippant attitude as his step-brother descended the stairs and headed straight for him.

As Isa walked, the crowd parted to make way, and the whispers started up again, everyone wondering who had captured his interest so effectively. When he stopped a few feet away from Odin, it was apparent his mask was doing a good job, and it took many of the onlookers longer than it should have taken to identify him.

There was an audible, collective gasp when they did.

“Welcome home,” Isa’s smile grew, “brother.”

He wanted to melt that arrogant expression right off his face, but Odin forced himself to return it with one of his own instead. “Love what you’ve done with the place. All the,” he motioned to the decorations in traditional Frost colors, “little touches.”

“Well, I was left here alone for quite some time,” Isa shrugged, “I had to do something to make it feel homier and chase away the loneliness.”

The only things Isa had chased away were Odin and his father.

Politics, that’s all this was. Both of them in the same room, in the Faraway Mansion no less, was going to be headline news tomorrow, and neither of them wanted to be written down as the meeker of the two.

Technically, Isa was considered the larger Brumal branch, but the Snow family held a truce with the Hail family, setting them on even footing. They were dangerous enough in their own rights and needed to keep up an appearance of civility.

But it wasn’t real.

Nothing between them ever had been.

“I’ve been meaning to pay a visit to Kilan Soto,” Isa said then. “I hear you’re doing well for yourself.”

Odin owned the entire Red Light District and half the city. Well was an understatement.

Isa had decided to play the part of the scorned brother, even though everyone in this room had to be aware of the true story between them. It seemed like a waste of effort, but Odin wouldn’t begrudge him his attempts.

He’d come here to play, too, after all.

“Come by any time,” Odin told him. “I never turn away family.”

Isa’s smile wavered, but he held it firmly in place in the end. He turned his attention to Hunter. “If this is what you offer at that club of yours, I’ll certainly have to. Even with half of his face covered, he’s a sight.”

He didn’t recognize him. Odin was a bit surprised.

The comment also hit its mark, and a surge of possessiveness swelled in the center of his chest. Pointedly, he draped an arm around Hunter’s waist and smirked devilishly. “Oh, he’s not a worker. But I assure you, there’s something for everyone at Club Cherry. If you do come, I’ll be sure you leave,” he cocked his head suggestively, “satisfied.”

“And in one piece?” Isa asked.

Odin snorted. “I can make no promises there.”

“Pity. I’m rather fond of all my parts where they are.”

“That is a pity.” Odin toed the line, knowing the threat would ring clear even through his candy tone.

Isa took a single step closer, voice lowering some. “You used to like all of my parts, too, if I remember correctly.”

“Speaking of memory,” he held Hunter closer, bringing him back into notice, “don’t you recognize my boyfriend?”

Isa’s gaze shuttered some. “Boyfriend?”
