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“Careful, Huntsman.”

“That’s what I should be saying,” he corrected. Sure, he was afraid of Odin, but right now, Frost was the real threat. How could he make Odin see reason? “You can’t honestly still believe that something was going on between the two of us? Didn’t you see the way he glared at me?”

“He was angry you were with me instead,” Odin said. “Don’t try to twist things. I’ve already told you I won’t fall for your lies again.”

Even after that exchange, he truly believed that Hunter and Isa had a connection.

“He murdered my sister,” Hunter reminded, and while that shut him up, Odin didn’t exactly change his tune. “You’re so focused on what you think is real, you’re completely blinded to what’s actual reality.”

Odin’s eyes narrowed, but Hunter wasn’t finished.

“Or, no,” he shook his head, finally connecting the dots, feeling a fool himself now for not having put it together sooner, “that’s not it, is it. You’re blinded by something else. It’s your feelings for Isa. You can’t see what’s right in front of you because you’re so caught up on this idea of—”

“That is enough.” Odin stepped into his personal space, so close their noses bumped up against one another. His fury was palpable, the tight control on his power that he usually held so easily slipping some so that a small wave of heat brushed against Hunter’s chilled skin.

Without meaning to, he leaned into it. Just a little, a tip forward, but it was noticeable.

Odin’s multi-slate went off in his pocket, and the buzzing sensation brushed against Hunter’s thigh, causing him to jolt.

With a scowl, Odin pulled the device out, brought it to his ear, and answered it gruffly. His gaze traveled somewhere over Hunter’s shoulder to a spot on the other side of the room near the entrance, and he gave a slight nod and told whoever was on the other end he’d be there in a second.

“Stay here,” he ordered, tapping the table's white surface.

“Where are you going?” Hunter hated to admit it, but the thought of being left alone wasn’t appealing. Even if the only person he could rely on was his captor.

“That’s none of your concern. Loni is nearby, watching, so don’t get any bright ideas. If you so much as move a step from this spot, I’ll make good on the promise I made to you in the Room with a View.”

Hunter bristled, though honestly, that had more to do with his bathroom play session and what had inspired it than the actual threat. Still, he couldn’t let Odin know that giving him a blowjob didn’t sound as unappealing as he meant for it to be. Then he’d simply find something else to threaten Hunter with. “If you put your dick in my mouth, I swear I will bite it off.”

Odin grunted and stroked the pad of his thumb across Hunter’s bottom lip before he could stop him. “I can think of a few ways I’d prefer to use that filthy mouth of yours, Huntsman, but they’ll have to wait. Just like you will.” His gaze hardened with warning. “Isn’t that right?”

The stubborn part of him wanted to argue just for the sake of it, but logic won out in the end. He hadn’t wanted to come here, but here he was, surrounded by proverbial wolves. Wandering off on his own would be like asking for an attack, and considering Odin refused to see how much danger Hunter was actually in…

Staying put was his best option.

He hated that it fell in line with what Odin wanted, but there it was.

“Where is Loni?” he asked, looking around in an attempt to find the guard. He hadn’t met her before, but she was an almost identical image of her sister, and while he hadn’t interacted with Corbi much either—and neither of those interactions could exactly be considered pleasant ones—there had to be a reason Odin trusted them so implicitly.

“You can’t see her,” Odin replied, “but she can see you. That’s all that matters.”

Hunter wanted to punch Odin, but he was also right. So long as Loni did her job and kept him in her line of sight, everything would be fine.



Odin stared at him.

“I’m not going to make a run for it,” Hunter stated. “You were right earlier, this isn’t the place for me to try that out. At least for now you’re not trying to kill me.” That’s what his life had come down to. Staying with the lesser of two evils simply because one wasn’t trying to murder him yet.

As if sensing the turn of his thoughts, Odin repeated, “For now.”

Without another word, he left Hunter standing there, quickly drifting into the crowd, swallowed by the masses.

Hunter didn’t know what the hell he was thinking. He should try to escape, even if that meant possibly running into Isa. So what if he died tonight? What exactly did he have going for him? What was there left for him to live for?

All those years on the run, scraping together enough to barely get by, living in shitty bug-infested apartments with scarcely enough coin to afford a single meal a day…It’d been forever since Hunter had experienced anything worth crawling out of bed for in the morning.
