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Odin stared at him and then sighed, stepping back once more. “We’ll never know now.”

Chapter 15:

“I hear you had a colorful evening,” Wren drawled the next day when Odin walked into his study to find the man already there, in his usual sprawl on the couch.

“I’m surprised you didn’t attend,” Odin said, though, truthfully, he wasn’t. He set his multi-slate down on the desk and then walked over to join him, plopping down on the opposite couch, ignoring how his muscles ached.

He’d used a lot of power yesterday on Hunter, and while he could handle it, his body was still protesting a bit. It felt a lot like he’d run several miles. The fact that he’d barely slept last night certainly didn’t help things. Without rest, his body wasn’t able to recuperate. But how the hell was he supposed to sleep with that image of Hunter, half frozen to death and near tears, vivid in his mind.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t.” Wren was dressed in a black vest with dark green pinstripes and combat pants tucked into ankle-high boots. Despite the fact it was a little past noon, he’d just come from one of his casinos.

“I don’t mean to get you involved,” Odin said but was quickly waved off with a ring-covered hand.

“Your people work at the Golden Iris because it’s beneficial for the both of us,” Wren stated. “That also means that while they’re there, they’re my responsibility. Besides, attacked employees? Bad for business.”

Wren had called him last night while Odin had been at the gala to tell him that the culprit beating up his people had struck again. He’d taken the call knowing it had to have been important, which was why he’d left Hunter alone.

One of his workers at Wren’s casino had taken a beating, similar to the others.

“Have we checked Saint?” he asked. Now wasn’t the time to pity himself or feel guilty. He’d done what he’d thought best in the moment.

The criminal underground network stretched across the entire planet. Typically, if there was something nefarious a person wanted to find out, they could turn there and ask around. He’d ordered Vetle to offer up a reward, but they hadn’t gotten any personal hits yet. Perhaps Wren had better luck.

“All I’ve been able to discover is this is only happening in Ovid. Someone is purposefully targeting the Snow family, but it’s local. Personal.”

Odin sighed and dropped his head against the couch, staring at the wooden ceiling. “The attacks are getting more frequent. If this keeps up, people will start talking about it.”

“Talking about how you can’t keep your shit in order, you mean?” Wren grunted. “We’ll find whoever is behind this. We just need more time.”

“I appreciate the help.”

“You’d do the same for me.” Wren reached for a glass on the edge of the coffee table. He’d helped himself to the good liquor Odin kept in his desk drawer. Again.

Odin shook his head but didn’t confront him.

Though they were both Dominus, there was nothing but trust between him and Wren. It was a strange relationship, and when they were in public, they tried to keep up appearances that they merely tolerated one another for the sake of a truce between their Brumal families. But the truth was, Wren had seen Odin at his lowest, and instead of kicking him when he was down, he’d helped him.

It wasn’t the first time someone had messed with one or both of them. The only reason it was taking so long to discover who this attacker was, was that the person must have insider knowledge. He always seemed to know which cameras to avoid and which rooms would be the hardest to hear screams coming from.

They were in the know somehow, possibly an ex-employee. Odin wasn’t sure.


Admittedly, he’d been a bit busy focused on another issue these past weeks.


“So,” Wren drawled then, a sign he was about to change the subject to something Odin wouldn’t like, “are you going to tell me about it?”

“Tell you about what?”

“The rest of the party was completely unaware of the fighting Shouts, but word has made its way around the capital now. Hell, they’ve probably heard about it halfway around the globe. You and Isa and the mysterious date you brought along with you. Everyone’s saying he’s your boyfriend and he offended Frost.”

“He did nothing of the sort,” Odin snapped. Hunter had been standing there, minding his own business, the last time Loni had seen him. He’d been listening and following orders just fine.

Of course, there was always how he’d offended Isa in the past, but considering he’d lost his sister because of Isa’s greed, it was obvious which of the two of them had the right to animosity.

He should have listened to Hunter sooner.
