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Odin sighed and straightened, dropping his arm. “Are you hungry?”

Leaving Hunter on the bed, he went to the dresser and began selecting a change of clothing for the both of them.

“Why haven’t you bled me?” Hunter asked suddenly, and it was evident by the way his voice shook at the end that he’d been working himself up to this question for a while.

Odin paused with a black t-shirt in his hands, debating whether or not it was in his best interest, to be honest. Ultimately, he couldn’t see a reason not to and shrugged as he went back to sorting through clothes.

The day after they’d fucked for the first time, he’d ordered all of Hunter’s things brought to his room, as well as for more items to be purchased. Before, he’d kept Hunter in the same two sets of everything, wanting him clean but needing there to be a clear line between them. He’d kidnapped Hunter to keep him as a prisoner then. Now…

“You’re mine,” he said plainly. “There’ll be plenty of time for that later if the situation ever calls for it.”

“Situation?” Hunter sounded nervous but also a bit indignant.

He was trying so hard to cling to his pride, even in the face of all this.

Odin was never going to let him go. Ever. Nothing and no one could convince him otherwise, not even the Huntsman himself. Hunter could either learn to adjust to his new life, or they could continue this game between them until he was too worn out to bother. While Odin preferred the first option, if they ended up with the second, that still wouldn’t change his mind.

He’d been raised to take. He’d taken Hunter. Plain and simple.

“I’m strong enough already,” Odin said, returning with the clothing. “There’s no reason to take your blood right now.”

“What about Isa?”

Odin dropped down and began slipping Hunter’s legs through a pair of red boxer briefs. “Don’t worry about him.”

“That’s not possible,” Hunter stated.

“I won’t let him hurt you,” he promised, but somehow that was the wrong thing to say.

“I’m not weak!” Hunter shot to his feet, the move almost causing Odin to fall back. “And I can dress myself!” He yanked the underwear the rest of the way up his thighs and over his hips, glaring down at Odin all the while.

Odin allowed him to for a heartbeat before he slowly rose until they were both standing, and Hunter had to tip up his chin to maintain eye contact. “I’ve never called you weak, Huntsman. How could you be?” He stepped forward, bumping against Hunter, forcing him to drop back onto the bed. “You’re mine. Do I look like the type of man who’d claim something fragile and burdensome?”

He rested his hands on either side of Hunter and leaned in a second time, bringing his face right up to his. “Tell me what you want, and I’ll give it to you. But—” he added when Hunter opened his mouth, not letting him speak, “don’t ask me to let you go. I won’t, and you’ll only piss me off. Do you need a repeat of last night after all? I’m practicing restraint for you already, but if you push me too far, I can easily stop playing nice and take that sweet ass of yours again.”

Hunter’s gaze absently dropped down to the towel still wrapped around Odin’s hips, clearly noting the tent there between his legs. “Pretending, you mean. You aren’t nice, Dominus. You never were.”

Odin’s eyes narrowed. “Want to rethink that last part, Huntsman? I’ll give you the chance to.”

“Why?” Hunter shook his head. “Why give me any chances at all?”

He cocked his head, a bit thrown by the question. “Elaborate.”

“You haven’t forced the mating,” he blurted, going as still as cornered prey once the words left his lips. “Why? It’s as you’ve said. You’re strong already. Even forced, the bond between us once mated will tie my blood to your power and give you strength.”

Dimmed, in comparison to if the mating was mutually agreed upon. Choice was a big deal for both Shouts and Whispers, something evolution must have put in place to help ensure the continued survival of the species.

Fat good that’d done. They were both near to extinction, with Hunter being the only Whisper Odin had personally encountered since he’d been a child.

“I’ll force you to do a lot of things,” Odin told him, “but not that. If that’s been a lingering fear on your mind, preventing you from trusting me, set it aside. When we mate, it’ll be agreed upon by the both of us.”

Hunter frowned. “Why? For that added bit of power it’ll bring?”

He shook his head curtly and straightened. “Because I want all of you, Huntsman. I’ll have all of you.”

Hunter snorted. “That sounds like you’re saying you want my heart or something.”

He pretended to consider and hummed in agreement. “I’ll take that too.”
