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Because Hunter Thorn was right.

Since the moment Odin had accidentally spied him and his sister in the gardens that day, this outcome had been set in motion.

“You wanted me to prove I’m yours?” Odin finished with his clothes and reached for Hunter, grabbing one of his ankles to pull him closer before reaching for the button on his pants. “This is what you get, Huntsman. If you want me, you need to accept all of me.”

Hunter didn’t push him away, allowing him to pull his pants off and tug his shirt over his head, but he frowned. “You’re angry.”

“Livid,” he confirmed. Once they were both naked, he planted a knee on the mattress and hauled himself up, only to have Hunter scramble back. With a warning growl, he stalked forward on his hands and knees until he’d cornered the other man against the headboard.

“Wait,” Hunter held him back, “explain it to me. Are you really that mad that I want this to be a mutual thing between us? That I want us to belong to each other instead of just—”

Odin silenced him with a brutal kiss, yanking him down and settling him beneath him while he had him distracted. By the time he pulled away, Hunter’s eyes had glazed over, his lips puffy and bright red, his cheeks flushed, and his legs splayed out to cradle Odin’s body.

“You’ll give me everything,” Odin said, only partially aware that it sounded like a threat as he ground his hips, rubbing their hard lengths against one another.

Hunter tossed his head back and moaned at the contact.

“Everything,” he repeated. “Willingly or not. I won’t settle for part of you, Little Whisper. I want it all. Every,” he repeated the motion, “single,” again, “part. Do you understand?”

Hunter shook his head, but before Odin could see red, he added, “I don’t know what’s gotten into you all of a sudden. But,” he grabbed onto the back of Odin’s neck and pulled him in for a brief meeting of their lips, “I’m not saying no. If you want me, take me.” He met his gaze. “You’re good at that.”

Maybe it was instinct embedded in their DNA or some such nonsense causing Hunter to be so complacent beneath him, but Odin wasn’t about to argue. He didn’t exactly know how a Whisper was meant to act with their Shout or if anything like nature and biology could control those actions.

It didn’t really matter in any case.

It would not change anything.

Odin covered his mouth with his tongue, spearing forward as he simultaneously continued to grind against him, working them both into a frenzy with the onslaught of sensations. He nipped at his bottom lip, lightly at first, then more roughly, coming close to drawing blood but catching himself.

He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Hunter before that there was no need for him to bleed him. Did a part of him want to? Of course. That rush he’d gotten the first time mirrored the effects of an intense drug, and he wasn’t above craving another hit. But he was nothing if not patient, and while he might not know everything there was to know about the relations between a Whisper and Shout, he was aware of how important the bleeding was.

How special.


He’d locked Hunter up, intent on forcing his hand, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t still hopeful. He hadn’t forgotten that need he’d felt that day at Faraway Mansion, watching Hunter and Meg. That yearning for love.

Odin broke the kiss, tipping Hunter’s head to the side so that he was presented with his throat. He trailed his mouth down the corded muscle there, sucking and biting, relishing the husky moans that elicited in the Huntsman.

Acceptance clicked into place like a missing puzzle piece, his denial tossed away like the useless trash it was. He’d never truly gotten past the betrayal from that time in the woods, but it wasn’t revenge against the Huntsman he’d been after. He’d been furious, yes, had wanted to punish him, but despite his thoughts to the contrary, Odin would never have been able to allow Isa to harm or have him.

He’d been a fool for ignoring the truth all this time, too weak to acknowledge it. But no longer.

He wanted Hunter Thorn to love him.

And he was going to make him if he had to.

First, he just needed to bind him to him, and then—

His multi-slate started ringing on the ground, the sounds muffled through the material of his pants where he’d left it when he’d stripped. Ignoring it, he smoothed his palm down Hunter’s side, noting with satisfaction that he could no longer feel the harsh outline of his ribs. He’d ensured the Huntsman hadn’t skipped any meals since coming here.

“What if it’s important?” Hunter asked through sharp intakes of breath as Odin licked his right nipple before sucking it into his mouth.

“This is important,” Odin replied distractedly, moving to give the other pointed bud the same attention. He growled low in approval when that had Hunter bowing up toward him.


Someone pounded on the door, cutting off whatever Hunter had been about to say.
