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This was new to me—a man bringing me to orgasm. And Gage was completely still beneath me. Was the next move mine?

“You two up there?”

Shit. Crap. Double crap. That voice belonged to my boss. We were seconds from being busted. And I couldnotafford to lose my job.

“Get dressed,” Gabe whispered. “I’ll take care of Bo.”

Eyes wide, I moved off him. I was wet and my thighs were sticky, but I didn’t have time to worry about that.

A creak on the stairs told me we were running out of time. Then another creak.

“We’re here,” Gage said, fastening his jeans. Holy cannoli. How had he gotten those on so fast? And why was he walking toward the stairs wearing only jeans? No shirt. No shoes.

I ducked behind the couch and rushed to throw my clothes on. I forgot my bra and ended up stuffing it under my sweater, tucked into my jeans. I’d put it on once we got rid of my boss.

“Jilly was helping me work out the kinks in my back,” Gage called down the stairs.

What the actual fuck? I bolted to my feet, fully dressed except for my boots and bra, and gaped at Gage. Had he just given away my secret?

“That employee of yours has magic hands,” Gage added.

He turned in my direction and gave me a wink. I could read that wink. He was telling me to trust him. He knew what he was doing.

“Not what I want to hear right now,” I heard Bo say from the stairwell. “Don’t be corrupting my young employees. You two get down here and eat before it’s all gone.”

With a shrug and a nod, Gage came back and grabbed his shirt and shoes. I glanced at the stairwell, not sure Bo was gone. For that reason, I stayed silent and put on my bra, then leaned over to pull on my boots.

When I straightened, Gage was standing in the row directly in front of me. He was fully dressed. No one would know, looking at him, what he’d been doing. I wasn’t sure I could say the same for myself.

“Come to my room a half hour after everyone goes to bed,” he said. “And don’t wear underwear.”



Sleep was overrated. That was what I told myself as the minutes ticked by on the clock next to the bed.

Thirty minutes came and went. Then thirty-five and forty. I’d messed up. I’d pushed her too far. If only I could have found some restraint, maybe the two of us could have had a chance.


The sound of the bedroom door opening was music to my ears. I glanced at the clock—11:42. Only twelve minutes late, and I was panicking. Man, was I a basket case over this woman.

“Sorry,” she whispered. “I had to wait until the hallway was clear.”

It was dark in the tiny guest bedroom that was pretty much in the basement. That meant I couldn’t see her—just a vague form moving toward me. But I didn’t have to see her. I just wanted her near me.

“Did you wear underwear?” I asked as I lifted the sheets to invite her in.

“Nope,” she said.

Her vanilla scent washed over me as she climbed in. The full-size bed was large enough for both of us. In fact, I was hoping to talk her into spending the night.

“But I had to wear PJ bottoms,” she said. “Hardly sexy, I know. I’m new at this.”

My hands were roaming, and I didn’t let her words stop me. “New at what?”

“All of it. Being in bed with a man, what you did to me earlier. I mean, I’ve messed around with one guy long ago, but it never went this far.”
