Page 77 of Escaping Rejection

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Abel sniffed the air and frowned. “What the hell?”

My scent had changed. I smelled like I was going into heat. And alpha male shifters surrounded me. Fuck. They would be drawn to me.

Abel touched my thigh. “Are you okay?”

I swatted his hand aside. Tate rose from his chair, sniffing the air as well. “Yeah, are you good? Come here, let me check you out.”

Wyatt exploded from his chair and shoved Tate in the chest, sending the alpha tumbling backward to the ground. “Get away from her, asshole!”

“What is going on?” Chelsey asked in a panic as she glanced around at everyone.

Gavin gazed at me with a renewed longing and desire. He stood, and I could already see the erection pressing through his pants. Gross.

Gritting my teeth, I did my best to ignore the effects of the drug. It wasn’t nearly as bad as that first time. I’d had a much smaller dose, but I still felt it. Thoughts and fantasies I’d never imagine if I wasn’t drugged flashed across my mind.

Wyatt thrusting into me with vicious force, sucking at my nipple, me screaming out in pleasure.

Wyatt bending me over, taking me from behind.

Wyatt’s cock buried in my throat, gagging me.

I clamped my eyes shut and tried to focus. When I opened them, the anger in Wyatt’s eyes had faded, and now he was looking at me with deep need and desire. It was an even stronger reaction than the others were having.

“Kira?” He stepped toward me.

Just looking into his eyes was enough to make me almost lose myself. Wet heat pulsed between my legs. If he came over here, I’d be fucking him in seconds. I didn’t give a damn that we were surrounded by people and cameras. The moment he touched me, it would be over. I had zero control. Not with that shit working its way through my system.

“Oh, it appears things have gotten a bit out of control,” Von said, hurrying to the table. “Wyatt, let’s get you back to your seat.”

Von put a hand on Wyatt’s chest. The rest was surreal and happened fast, like a sped-up dream. Wyatt, seeing the vampire’s hand on his chest, snarled, his eyes filling with indignant rage. He shifted faster than I’d ever seen, his wolf appearing in the blink of an eye. Von yelped in surprise, and Wyatt lunged forward, his teeth clamping on Von’s throat. With a savage twist of the head, Wyatt tore Von’s throat out. A spray of blood arced through the air, landing on the white tablecloth as a fan of red droplets.

Von clutched at his neck, coughing and choking before tipping over and slamming to the ground. His white tuxedo was a mess of red gore. He stared up at me sightlessly as his body went still.

All around us, attendants and servers screamed and backed away, pressing themselves against the walls and handrails that ringed the terrace.

“What the fuck?” Abel shouted, backing away from Von, lying in a spreading pool of blood.

Von would be fine. He was already dead before Wyatt had torn his throat out. Unless Wyatt slammed a stake into his heart or ripped his head clear off his body, Von would be up again in moments. That didn’t make the sight any less shocking.

Wyatt gnashed his teeth, chewing on the vampire flesh before flicking his head and tossing the hunk of throat aside. He then paced and whined, alternating between growling and whimpering. Every few seconds, he’d look at me and start all over again. He wasn’t fully in control of his wolf, which was strange. He’d always been so focused and in sync with his inner wolf.

Chelsey rushed around the table and pulled me away, dragging me to the far corner of the terrace. The other alphas were still looking at me with hungry and confused expressions. Even J.D. was giving me a strange look. Whatever this drug was, it was beyond powerful.

“Are you okay?” Chelsey asked.

“Umm, I think so.”

I squeezed my legs together, and a shiver of pleasure went up my spine. It was all I could do to stay in my right mind and focus. Memories of my first time with the drug came flooding back. The sexual need wasn’t as painfully brutal, but I was still in bad shape. If even another drop had passed my lips, I’d have been out of my mind like the last time. All that was keeping me focused was my anger.

A few of the braver staff members were with Von, patting his cheek, trying to wake him up. From where I was, I could already see his wound healing. He would be up anytime now. The cameras were still flying around, taking in the carnage and chaos.

Through it all, I realized now was my chance. This was when I could shine a light on the dark, dirt secrets of the show. Von was still out; most of the staff had run off. There was no one to stop me.

Taking a breath and focusing my mind, I pushed through the drug’s chemical effects and moved toward the nearest camera. Chelsey tried to stop me, but I gently pried her hand off me.

“It’s okay,” I said. “I know what I’m doing.”

As I approached the camera, whatever spell was propelling it must have sensed that something big was coming. It spun from watching Wyatt pace to lock its lens on me.
