Page 105 of His Rejected Mate

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But what about her? Didn’t she deserve happiness?

I didn’t want to lose this special thing we had. It meant everything to me, had already become an integral part of my soul, even after only a few days of being mates. Could I be selfish? Would I be able to live with myself if I chose Kira over the entire world? I’d loved her for years, and now that love had grown to a wildfire in my heart.

Kira nodded, squeezed my hand, and said her mental goodbye. If we chose to end the war, we would never again see our thoughts and emotions in one another’s minds. As painful as that thought was, I would at least have Kira by my side forever.

“End the war, Heline,” I whispered.

“Ugh,” the goddess groaned. “You two are no fun at all.Fine. I’ll go about and defuse the war. There is quite a lot a goddess can do.” She glared at the two of us. “Kira? Wyatt? You’re bothvery disappointing. I don’t deal with things that bore me. Stay out of my affairs, and I’ll stay out of yours. Keep your little connection. I have no need of you any longer. Why should I care who you’re with? Besides, your connection was fated. No one can change that. Not even a god. Why do you think I changed the blood tests?”

“Seriously? You were just fucking with us?” I snapped. How could a god be so flippant and childish?

Heline scoffed and turned back to Lucina. “I will not meddle in the affairs of mortals anymore. They bore me, and they are such tiresome creatures. As of today, all my acolytes will be relieved of their duties. These filthy animals can find their mates the old-fashioned way.” She turned to glare at us. “They can hump legs, for all I care.”

“So gracious of you,” Lucina said with a sneer.

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, it appears I must spend the next several days ending battles throughout the world. Feel free to help if you want, sister, since you’ve become concerned about these mortals. Perhaps you can call some of our other siblings or cousins. A god’s work is never done.”

Heline graced me and Kira with one last withering glare, then vanished in a flash of light.

Lucina nodded to us, and if I wasn’t mistaken, a faint smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. Instead of bursting into a thousand bats like she usually did, she raised her arms and the shadows enveloped her, then vanished.

“What the fuck?” one of the board members muttered. He sat in a corner, hugging his knees. He looked more like a scared child than a powerful businessman.

Movement caught my eye, and I glanced at our friends. August was talking hurriedly to Crew, who nodded and took over control of the camera. August then rushed over to take a seatat the table while Crew zoomed the camera in close to August’s face.

“Good afternoon, world. I hope you enjoyed the latest episode of the new show,What the Fuck?I’m your host, August Evander.

“Now that I have a captive audience, I have some cats—er, dogs—to let out of the bag. I’m sure you’ll all enjoy this. We all love dirt. Let’s spill the tea, shall we?”

August rambled off the information he’d dug up, starting with Crew’s parents. He proceeded to discuss the Tranquility Council’s corruption, the assassinations carried out by Tranquility operatives, pay-offs, embezzling, blackmailing, paid-off judges, murders, and more. Nearly every alpha and beta from the upper packs were named in some dirty dealing or another.

At first, we stood transfixed by August’s rapid-fire delivery, but eventually, the board members snapped out of the shock from seeing two goddesses fight in front of them. Especially when August began to name several of them in his reports.

“Stop him!” the bearded board member shrieked.

Several of the showrunners scrambled over like children to yank the power on the camera, finally ending the broadcast.

August sighed in disappointment. “Aw, man, I was just getting into the sex scandals. One of the pack alphas likes getting pegged by his beta’s wife. We even got video evidence. That was going to be my cherry on top. Damn.”

“We’re ruined,” a dark-skinned board member groaned. “The world knows the show was Heline’s personal sadistic fucking playground. It’s all over.”

“More than the show is over,” Crew said. “With everything August just dumped on the world? I think the ball is really going to start rolling on dissolving the packs, and shaking up the council leadership. We did it.” He looked at me and tookChelsey’s hand. In all my time knowing him, Crew rarely smiled, but he did now. “We’ve started something here.”

I grinned and glanced at the group of distraught showrunners. “Maybe you can keep your show on, but you’ll have to change alot. Maybe play a different angle. You could try to work on findingrealfated mate connections, and do away with all the violence.”

“No violence? On Bloodstone Island?” a showrunner asked, gaping at me.

“You’ll never go back to Bloodstone Island,” I said. “As of now, that place is completely off-limits. I’ll see to it that it remains unbothered. If you want to try to go back there, you can deal with me, or Lucina the Shadowkeeper. Your choice.”

“Plug that camera back in,” Kira ordered.

One of the showrunners shook their head. “No way. We can’t.”

“I said do it,” Kira growled. “You all are probably going to jail, anyway, but I can make sure you go with plenty of broken bones. Now, plug in the fucking camera.”

Deciding that discretion was the better part of valor, the man grabbed the plug and jammed it back into the wall. Crew gave Kira a questioning look, and she nodded. Crew shrugged and tilted the lens toward her face.

Once the camera was focused on her, Kira spoke. “To anyone still watching, there are going to be some major changes coming. It may take some time as most of the packs, especially the larger ones, are splintering. Once the cleanup and recovery have taken place, I think many of you will be open and ready for new ideas and traditions.
