Page 68 of His Rejected Mate

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“This is dangerous, Gavin,” Crew said. “I know he’s your brother, but this is a fucking bomb you’ll be dropping on the pack. He’ll try to kill you.”

“I’m fine with the danger. I can handle myself,” Gavin said. “Once this gets out, it’ll be easier for Kira’s pack to swoop in and swallow the ones who break away from the Ninth.”

“Stop. All of you,” Kira said. “This isn’t what I want. I don’t want to steal another pack’s territory or members. The main thing is to keep the Ninth Pack from attacking us. That’s what the goal should be.”

“That’s what this will do,” Gavin said eagerly.

“No, it won’t,” Kira said, shaking her head. “Not right away. It’ll only cause more violence. More death and heartache. It’s like August said—most of these people are innocent and simply following their alpha’s lead. They’re the ones who’ll get hurt.”

Gavin deflated. He didn’t say anything, but I saw that she’d gotten through to him. He clearly hadn’t thought about that. His single-minded determination to destroy his brother had blinded him.

Power blinded anyone at the top. It was the way of things. The ones in charge never thought about how their actions would affect those at the bottom.

“What’s the plan, then?” I asked Kira. “You must have one. I know that look.”

“A meeting,” Kira said. “We bring this info. We meet with Jayson in private and show him that we had nothing to do with his father’s murder. Once he sees the truth, he’ll turn his attention to the Seventh Pack.”

“Kira,” Kolton said, looking exasperated, “how are we gonna get him to agree to that? He’ll assume it’s a trick.”

She pointed at Gavin. “You use half of your plan. You’ll deliver the message that we want to meet.”

Gavin gazed at her dumbly for a few seconds, then, like a lightbulb clicking on, he smiled. “He thinks I’m dead.”

“Exactly,” Kira said. “Seeing you alive and well, and hearing that Wyatt and I are also alive, should surprise him enough to be intrigued. He’ll want to meet with us. If nothing else, to figure out how the hell we survived and got off Bloodstone.”

“I still think we should release the info, but I’ll do as you ask,” Gavin said.

“Good,” Kira said. “Thank you, Gavin. The sooner you go, the better.”

“Um…little problem there.” Gavin nodding toward his guards.

“Let him go,” Kira told the guards. “He’s on a special mission for me.”

The guard with the gun frowned. “Mr. Durst said not to let him out of our sight.”

“I survived for three weeks on Bloodstone Island,” she snapped back. “Do you really want to try me?”

The guards, seeing the fire in her eyes, relented and waved for Gavin to go. He said his thanks to Kira and even managed to give me a perfunctory half-nod before shifting and sprinting away.

Before Gavin was even out of sight, Crew addressed August. “You’re pretty resourceful. Are you good at digging up dirt on everyone?”

“Maybe,” August said, eyeing Crew. “What are you looking for, exactly?”

“My parents. Felix and Bianca Crew.”

After a moment, August’s eyes bulged in realization. “Holy shit. You’re part ofthatCrew family? What do you think they’re hiding?”

Crew adjusted his eye patch and shrugged. “Lots of stuff. Not sure how hard it will be to uncover it all. There’s blackmail, corrupt associates, embezzlement…and murder, if I had to guess. I did some digging on my own a few years ago, but they caught me and destroyed everything I had. Gods only know how deep they’ve hidden it since then.”

“Yeah, they’re dangerous,” August said. “That much is pretty well-known.” He gave a big, toothy grin. “I like fucking with dangerous people. I’ll get right on that. And don’t worry too much. They can try to hide it, but me and my contacts are pretty damn good.”

August headed back into his tent to get to work. Crew reached out to Chelsey, who took his hand.

“Once we’ve got transport figured out, I’ll be heading to Chelsey’s pack lands with her,” Crew said.

“Really?” I asked, but didn’t elaborate. The two looked to be on much better terms than they had been prior to Haven’s destruction. In fact, Chelsey kept stealing adoring glances at Crew as we stood talking.

“Yeah. I want to make sure she’s safe since we’ll have to go past the Ninth Pack’s lands and even part of the Fifth Pack’s territory. I let her go once, and I’m not doing it again. Once she’s settled in and safe, I’ll come back and help you. You’ve done a lotfor me and my people, and I need to repay the favor. I’ll need to come back, anyway, to see what August digs up on my parents.”
