Page 70 of His Rejected Mate

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Through the trees, a small procession of Ninth Pack members came into view, Jayson in the lead. Gavin walked behind his brother, and he looked pissed that he had to be here. If it had been up to him, he’d probably rather be on this side of the clearing with us.

“Son of a bitch,” Jayson sneered as his group filed into the clearing. “Looks like baby brother wasn’t spinning fake tales. You two are alive.”

“I told you I wasn’t lying,” Gavin said through gritted teeth.

Jayson didn’t even look at his brother. “Yeah, still surprising. You’ve always been full of shit.”

Gavin kept his head down and clenched his fists, but didn’t retort.

“Hello, Jayson,” I said. “I hope you’re doing well.” Might as well start things off as cordially as possible.

Jayson ran his tongue across his teeth and eyed me warily. “You know, I was shocked when they put you onThe Reject Project. I bet beingpretend-famous really went to your head, didn’t it? I didn’t watch much of the show, but I wonder if you screwed with the other guys like you screwed with me.”

Gods, he was insufferable. “Jayson, I never screwed with you,” I said.

Jayson held up a hand, smiling. “You know, I say I didn’t watch, but I did see the episode where you talked about how much you loved Wyatt. All that show did was prove that I was right. You were fucking him behind my back. Once a whore, always a whore.”

“You watch your fucking mouth,” Dad growled, taking a step forward.

Grabbing his shirt, I tugged him back. Wyatt was growling and muttering curses under his breath behind me.

“Let him get it out, Dad,” I said, completely unperturbed. “Maybe being childish for a few minutes will clear his head.” I glanced back at Jayson. “Can we get down to business? This stroll down memory lane has been lovely, but we have things to discuss.”

Jayson’s sneer turned into a grin. “Ah, yes. I should have known you’d come crawling back to me.”

I wanted to be professional, to stay stoic, but those words broke me. I laughed so hard, I almost doubled over to catch my breath.

Jayson’s smile morphed into a frown. Becoming pack alpha had somehow inflated his ego even more than it had already been.

“What is so fucking funny?” he demanded.

Wiping tears from my cheeks, I straightened, trying to regain my composure. “That was a good joke. You know, after everything I’ve been through, I can’t believe I ever shed a tear over you rejecting me. It’s kinda surreal to think I went on that show because ofyou. Ugh.” I shook my head. “I spent five years forcing myself to believe you were my actual soul mate or something, when deep down, Iknewour fated mate connection was wrong. I never felt anything for you, Jayson. Not an ounce of love or respect. Shit, I never even liked you that much. You’re pretty obnoxious, and it appears power has made that even worse.”

Jayson gaped at me, then seemed to find his voice. “You’re as bitchy as ever. In fact, the only time I don’t remember you being bitchy was when I caught you in that parking lot with Wyatt’s cock down your throat.”

“Unfortunately,” I said with a sickly sweet smile, “we never actually got that far.”

“You’ll watch your mouth when you talk to my daughter,” Mom spat at Jayson, heat rising in her cheeks.

“Yeah,” Wyatt said. “Unless you’re not planning on leaving this clearing alive?”

Jayson’s eyes flashed in anger at the sound of Wyatt’s voice. “Is that a threat, lone wolf? Is it?” Jayson rubbed his palms together greedily. “Because if so, I’d love to show you what a real alpha can do in a fight. Really show everyone howpatheticyou unofficial wolves are.”

“As everyone knows,” Dad said, interrupting the threats, “Kira was injured and drugged. She never did anything that—”

“Enough,” I said, raising my voice to be heard. “Jayson, we know who killed your father, and it wasn’t anyone from our pack. We have proof.”

Jayson stared at me for several seconds, then scoffed. “I don’t care about whatever lies you want to tell. Why would I? All I care about is increasing my pack’s standing and territory. We’ll absorb yours first, then maybe the Twelfth or the Tenth, and prepare ourselves for when the upper packs eventually come for us.”

“Are you being serious?” I asked, my annoyance building by the second. “Youshouldcare who ordered his death. What if they come for you next?”

The smile slipped from his face, his eyes boring into me icily. “Another threat?” He straightened and addressed his entourage. “This was a waste of time.”

His men had grown restless, obviously agreeing with their alpha. Behind me, the members of my pack stirred nervously. This was going sideways fast. I’d really believed Jayson would be concerned with his self-preservation, but that didn’t seem to be the case. He was acting like he was above any danger. Above all of us.

Jayson pointed to Wyatt. “First thing we’ll do is hunt down your little pack of unofficial mongrels. I’ll save you for last, Wyatt. I’ll make sure you watch all of them die. Then we’ll take you out.”

I took two steps toward Jayson, eyes blazing with rage. “You’ve never acknowledged it, but I’m an alpha, too. Iwilldefend what’s mine at all costs, Wyatt’s pack included. If I could fight through the hell of Bloodstone Island and survive, I think I can handle your little pack of pussies like nothing.”
