Page 75 of His Rejected Mate

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The rest of the night passed in an indescribable state of bliss. We made love again, this time feeling each other’s emotions with every touch and stroke and kiss. It was mind-bending in the best possible way. We fell asleep, our limbs tangled together, only to wake a few hours later and make love again. It was like we couldn’t get enough of it, that feeling of being coupled with the one person you were meant to be with. It was like a drug that made us giddy, and we couldn’t stop.

The next morning, I woke to the echo of Kira’s emotions. She was already awake and thinking. We shared the same blossoming wonder and pleasant shock of finding our fated mates, but something had her worried.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, rolling over to find her sitting on the edge of the bed.

She chuckled. “I knew you were awake,” she said, tapping her head with a finger. “I couldsenseit. This is weird.”

“You didn’t answer my question. What’s wrong?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s dumb.”

“Nothing in that pretty little head can be dumb. I can tell you’re worried about something, so spill it.”

She grunted in frustration. “Ugh, it’s my parents—and everyone else. What are they going to think about this? What are they going to say and think when they find out we’ve mated? It’s fucking stupid. I talk this big game about tearing down the old ways, but I’m still worried my family won’t approve of me being with a lone wolf. Like I said, it’s dumb.”

The fact that anything was keeping her from being completely blissful and happy irritated me. Sensations bounced around my mind, but before I could say anything to argue, Kira laughed.

“I felt that,” she said, tapping a finger on my forehead. “You’re irritated. I should have known you’re the type to wake up grumpy.”

I rolled my eyes and wrapped an arm around her, pulling her back down to the bed. I kissed her, then sat up to gaze down on her.

“Here’s my thought,” I said. “This new little empathetic connection we have needs more, shall we say, exploration? Let’s see if we can create a feedback loop of pleasure.” I slipped and hand under the covers and slipped my fingertips across her belly. “We can see if I can get you to orgasm over and over and over until you literally can’t think of anything else. Nothing can worry you then, can it?”

At the back of my mind, I could sense Kira found the idea appealing. The thought of orgasming until she was limp with pleasure turned her on. She was on the verge of telling me to do it, but she pulled back at the last instant.

“No. Nope. Gotta be grown-ups,” she said, though she looked disappointed by her own words. “We have important things todo. Jayson might attack us at any time. We need to get everyone ready.”

“Ugh,” I groaned. “Why do you have to be the adult? All I want is to fuck your brains out all day.” I sat up. “You know, usually newly mated wolves get a week or two to be together until their hormones and pheromones calm down.”

“I know. Too bad we’re at war,” Kira said, standing to get dressed.

“Fine,” I pouted. “But no promises I won’t pull your pants down and bend you over at an inopportune time.” I held my hands up in surrender. “You’ve been warned, so you can’t get mad at me.”

She threw my pants at my face in response. I snatched them and watched her grab her stuff.

“Don’t bother with all that,” I said. “Check my closet. I have a surprise for you.”

Kira frowned at me before opening the closet door. Inside, two outfits hung side by side. Tranquility Ops gear—one fitted for me, the other for her.

“What?” Kira turned to look at me. “How the hell did this get here?”

I shrugged. “When you got fired, they didn’t even let you clean out your locker. I snuck in and got the rest of your stuff. I forgot about it until I came home and saw it. I figure that’s a better outfit for a war than a T-shirt and blue jeans.”

Kira smiled and ran a finger over the outfit, which was fortified with Kevlar, enchanted seams, fire-retardant spells, hardshell elbow-and-knee pads, and more. The perfect thing to wear into battle. Snippets of thought fluttered through her mind as she looked at the uniform. Feeling and hearing her thoughts was still so new to me—new, but amazing.

Her thoughts toward the gear was bittersweet. She’d missed wearing it, but was also angry about how and why it had beentaken from her. I hoped she noticed my own thoughts slipping into her mind, telling her she’d never deserved to be fired, that she had been one of the best operatives the TO had ever recruited. She was amazing in so many ways, and I hated that anyone had ever made her feel like she didn’t belong.

Her fingers lingered over the Tranquility Council patch on the chest. Anger swirled in her mind, hot and raging, and its intensity surprised me. Her smile faded a bit, then she tore the patch off, theripof the Velcro the only sound in the room.

She tossed the patch on the floor and began to dress. Once she was in the uniform, her anger faded. What remained was determination and a reborn sense of purpose. I couldn’t help but smile as I dressed in my own gear.

Kira glanced over her shoulder as she tied her boots and grinned at me. “I can feel you in my head. See anything you like?”

“Always,” I said.

Once we were ready, the first stop of our morning was to check in with the border patrols. We arrived at Crew’s camp an hour later, but he was nowhere to be seen.

“He and Chelsey headed out right before dawn,” Eli said when we asked about him.
