Page 89 of His Rejected Mate

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“Yeah,” another agreed. “All this shit is happening because she couldn’t keep her damn mouth shut.”

Any operative discipline had obviously vanished in the face of war. The lead operative tried to calm everyone down, but arguments were breaking out. It appeared that every one of these people had watched the show.

A plan formed in my mind. It might work, it might not. Wouldn’t know until I tried it.

Slipping into my old TV persona, I put on a big fake smile and stepped forward. “Calm down, guys,” I said, and they quieted, turning their eyes on me. “There has been ahugemistake. When the Reject Mansion fell, my dear,dearfriend Von rushed away, thinking we were dead.” I swallowed back the vomit at calling Von a friend. “We managed, by only the skin of our teeth, to get back to the mainland.”

One of the soldiers frowned in confusion. “But how the hell could you—”

“We need to find Von,” I said, cutting the soldier off. “Unbeknownst to the fans watching, Von, Wyatt, and I had been planning a big reveal to prove our love for each other. We were going to claim each other on the show, but we went ahead and mated after we escaped.” A few wide eyes went to the marks on our necks that were only just starting to heal. It was one of the few wounds that didn’t heal fast for shifters.

“You guys are mated? Oh, wow,” the one named Hudson said with a reverent awe that almost made me roll my eyes.

The lead operative looked ready to explode. “What the fuck does this have to do with you all getting through this gate?”

“Von doesn’t know we’re alive,” I said. “We need to get in there and let him know. He was sure that by putting us on theshow and proving to everyone our love was genuine, it would calm some of the hostilities. You know what they say…everyone loves an underdog.”

Holy fucking shit, I actually said it. Ew.

The lead operative glanced behind us at the other four. “What about them? Who are they?”

“They’re the ones who helped us escape Bloodstone. Weneedthem to go in, too. That way Von can hear the entire story and make a whole spectacle of it. Please,” I begged, putting my hands together and giving him a pleading look.

Hudson leaned in toward his commander. “Bro, if Von Thornton finds out we turned them away at the gate, he’ll be pissed.”

The lead operative let out an explosive sigh and waved to August, Crew, Chelsey, and Eli. “Get your asses over here. We’ll let you through, but we’re checking all of you for weapons.”

Doing my best to keep the smile off my face, I stepped forward. It had worked. They were going to let us in. Once through the gates, we could search out Simon and Heline—if she was here. I couldn’t believe our luck.

The lead operative took me by the arm. “We’ll take you straight to Mr. Thornton. He’s in a hotel a few streets down.”

My face fell. “What?”

Chapter 22


Once we were through the gates, I got the shock of my life. After seeing the destruction of the outlaying neighborhoods and towns on our approach, I’d assumed it would be the same on the inside. But I was sorely mistaken. A few areas had been damaged in the initial riots, but it was already being cleaned up. Most of the city was pristine and peaceful. Hell, there were even people waiting outside a restaurant.

“Are we dreaming?” August whispered to me. “Like, these people know a war is raging right outside their gates, right?”

“Apparently not,” I said.

The people walking the streets were the rich and powerful. Anyone who didn’t want to get their pretty little hands dirty had come running to Fangmore for safety and to continue living their lives of privilege. The scorched bricks, broken windows, and damaged signs had already been cleaned up and repaired. It made everything outside feel like a dream in comparison.

“So, can we stop and get a coffee or something?” August asked one of the operatives.

The man obviously didn’t hear the sarcasm in August’s voice. “Nope. It’s evening, why would you want coffee?”

“Never mind, bro,” August said with a little roll of his eyes.

I could sense Kira’s anxiety. She—none of us—had anticipated an armed escort straight to Von Thornton. Her play had been genius. Once she realized all the soldiers were fans of the show, she’d thought fast, and it had worked in our favor. Except, now we were being led to the one person we didn’t give a shit about.

In the big scheme of things, Von was small potatoes. Especially when we were dealing with a psychotic scientist who could destroy the world with his toys. And theliteralmoon goddess.

Von would probably have tons of security, and once he saw us, he might send us straight to a holding cell.Boom, mission failed. The thought that we could make a run for it appealed to me, but the soldiers outnumbered us two to one. They also had machine guns with silver rounds. We had nothing. They’d taken our only weapons—August’s boot knife and a bottle of silver nitrate pepper spray that had been in Kira’s TO gear. We’d left behind any other weapons in favor of moving fast, silently, and unimpeded.

“Which hotel is he staying at?” Kira finally asked.
