Page 9 of His Rejected Mate

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“We’ll get her back. Don’t worry. Crew and Eli are pretty damn competent. They know what they’re doing.”

“I hope so,” I muttered, biting at my thumbnail.

J.D. gave me a quizzical look. “You know, if I didn’t know better, you’re already acting like you’re Kira’s mate.”

“I love her, okay? Labels don’t matter. Love is what matters, and I will do anything it takes to get her back safe.”

Chapter 3


Whatever the machine pumped into my arm had made me lightheaded. There were no clocks or windows in the room, which gave me no clue to how long Simon had been gone. Regardless of how much time had passed, it felt like an eternity. The only thing I had for comfort was the whirring of machinery, the beeps of medical devices, and the low hum of the air conditioner. Even the vampire assistants had left after a while, leaving me alone with Abel’s unconscious form.

Whatever was being fed into my body wasn’t putting me under. A small blessing. It gave me time to inspect the room, though that proved to be useless. I’d gone over every square inch with my eyes. It was impossible to get out, not only because of my wolfsbane binding, but the doors had locks that required a code—a code I didn’t have. The few open doors Icouldsee must have been storage or mechanical rooms, or possibly other exam rooms like the one Abel and I were in. No amount of training would get me out of this room by my wits alone.

If escape with my current information wasn’t possible, then I needed more details. Simon had told me earlier that he would give me atour. When he returned, I vowed to turn on the charm.I’d make that psycho fucker believe I was the best patient or experiment he’d ever had.

One thing I could count on, above all else, was that Wyatt would come for me. Once that happened, I needed to have some idea of how to get out of the facility. Being able to navigate the deeper recesses of the lab would help keep me from running in circles.

The door of the lab opened, but it wasn’t Simon. The vampire assistant bypassed me and went straight to Abel. After checking the machines hooked up to him, she made a few notes on a tablet and strode out again, heels clicking on the stone.

Waiting until the door closed, I lifted my head to get a better look at him. “Abel?” I hissed. “Abel? Can you hear me?”

The other alpha didn’t so much as twitch to indicate he’d heard me. Whatever they’d done to him must have been stronger than what they’d done to me. That, or I wasn’t easily susceptible to the drugs and potions. Still, it worried me that Abel had been out for so long.

Before my worries could increase, the lab door opened again. Both vampires returned. The one who’d checked on Abel carried a flask of bright yellow liquid and headed back to his bedside. The other pulled up a stool and sat beside me, checking my own instruments.

“What are you doing to him?” I asked, hating how groggy my voice sounded, almost like I was drunk.

Ignoring me, the vampire at my bedside glanced at his colleague. “You know, I’ve never seen a female alpha shifter in person before,” he said.

“They are rare,” the female vampire responded.

The male lifted a tool that looked like a gun and inserted a small metal pellet into a gas injection chamber.

“What the hell is that?” I asked, eyeing the implement.

“A little something to keep track of you,” he muttered without looking at me. “In case you somehow find your way out of here. Not likely, though. Probably overkill, but… orders are orders.”

Without pause, he latched the tiny pellet in place, pressed the gun muzzle against my shoulder, and pulled the trigger. A quietpsstburst from the tool, and a sharp, white hot pain crashed through my shoulder. It was like I’d been stabbed with a dull needle.

“Fuck,” I hissed, grimacing in pain.

Setting the injection gun aside, the technician leaned closer, hungry eyes taking me in as he gazed up and down my body. “Fascinating,” he murmured. “Supple, strong, and that smell?” He leaned over my body and breathed in deep, like a hungry man taking a whiff of Thanksgiving dinner. He sighed in pleasure. “So good.”

The attention he was giving me wasn’t quite what one would expect from a scientist or doctor. There was a hunger in his eyes that made me nervous.

“Don’t get too close,” the female warned. “You know how Dr. Shingleman feels about that one. It’ll be your ass.”

He waved her off. “I know, but… I can’t help it. If you could smell the blood in her, you’d understand.”

The female tech shrugged and turned away, checking over Abel again. The male vampire leaned close again. “Such a wondrous anomaly.”

His gloved hand slipped across my stomach, up to my sternum, then across the mounds of my breasts. My skin crawled at his touch.

“What would that blood taste like?” he whispered as if murmuring to a lover.

Before I could spit in his face or cuss him out, he jerked his hand back, slapping a palm to his temple. A wretched look ofagony folded over his face as he clawed at his head, a gurgled gasp of pain escaping his lips.
