Page 20 of The Incubus Curse

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“Welcome to the estates.” Dustin shrugged as he led me toward the rusted stairs that lifted to the front door. I had to take a double look back at him to assure myself that this was indeed the right place.

After all, what were people like this doing in a run-down place?

Chapter 8


As I took in the scene around me, I couldn’t help but chuckle nervously to myself. Honestly, this place didn’t exactly scream “safety first.” I half-jokingly thought I might need a tetanus shot after stepping in, what with the rusty walls and nails hanging around like confetti.

I awkwardly smiled at Dustin, who seemed to search for some reaction from me. His eyes were intent on looking at me rather than the desecrating building before us as ifIwas the crazy one to question what we were doing here.

“It’s interesting,” I said, my eyes peeled. I looked at my footing for nails with each step closer to the building as Sasha and Oliver hovered tightly behind us.

It wasn’t exactly the word I had in mind, but it fit the vibe this building was throwing out. I couldn’t decide if it screamed “last house on the left” or if it was trying to land a role in some haunted house flick. Either way, it looked sketchy and ancient, like it might collapse if you sneezed too hard. Trash bags were piled up on the stairs as if even the garbage crew had given up on it. Rats were squeaking nearby, making me wonder if they were throwing parties in the trash heap.

Dustin beamed at me. “So, would you like to see your new room?” I could tell he was trying to lighten the mood, but it only made me more uneasy.

“My new room? You’ve got to be kidding me.” I swallowed deeply, looking back at where we intended to stay. How long did they plan on staying here, in this dump of all places?

What were we? Fugitives on the run? Were the Ellisarios planning to frame me for the security guard’s murder?

I could see it now, my face plastered in the news. It would be the worst picture of me - my hair spewed out like I had just woken up. And the Ellisario’s would get out of this with their money, leaving me to my fate.

Dustin made sure to drag me alongside him as we approached the entrance to the building, probably noticing my hesitation. Everything in me was convinced they were leading me to my death, what with the bullet holes riddling the walls like decor and roaches climbing up the stairs as if they were the string quartet welcoming us.

Dustin smirked at my reaction, almost amused. “Yeah, you know, the one we’re going to share.”

I had hoped he was kidding about sharing the room part, but I got the sick sense that I had no say in the matter. After all, I was just their glorified prisoner at this point. And strangely, no matter how many times I rebuffed him, he radiated an odd confidence that grew stronger in the face of my resistance, like my reluctance piqued his interest in me even more. While it was somewhat flattering to be flirted with by someone who seemed out of my league, all I wanted at that moment was to head home, away from… allthis.

Dustin extended his arm, fingers wrapping around the cold knob of the door. With a slow twist, the iron door creakedopen, its rusty hinges protesting with a grating sound that felt like nails on chalkboards, sending an unpleasant shiver down my spine. The scraping noise reverberated, filling the space around us as the heavy door swung open fully, revealing the room inside.

And as we stepped through the front door, I was momentarily breathless. It was as if my mind had undergone a sudden reboot. I had to cast a double take at the surroundings, almost doubting my eyes.

Glancing behind me, the ghastly exterior loomed like a scene from “The Shining,” but the interior unfolded beautifully, like it was an entirely different building.

My head bobbed in and out, taking in everything in disbelief.

Dustin stood there laughing, as if he knew this would be my reaction, and was still amused. He extended his right arm, reaching up to the top of the door frame as he hung over me, watching me take everything in.

I found myself caught between the unyielding door frame and the weight of Dustin’s presence looming over me, and I relished the sensation. Despite my internal conflict about enjoying it, this vantage point offered a detailed view of his physique—the defined lines of his body, the tension in his arms braced against the frame. I could observe the subtle movements of his neck, the rhythmic bobbing of his Adam’s apple, and the involuntary twitch as he gazed down at me with a hunger that seemed to intensify. It was as if he were studying me intensely, leaving me intrigued and uneasy.

I had to look away to pull myself into the room and distract myself as I turned to look at where I was. Or at least to pull myself away fromhim.

The wooden floors glimmered like golden specks had beenintricately carved into their surface. The robust walls, painted in delicate rose colors and hues, embraced the space. They were hanging gracefully from the astonishingly high ceilings; a crystal chandelier twinkled, capturing the sunlight and reflecting its beauty through the clear pieces. It was a sight beyond my expectations. The air inside carried the fragrance of lush garden beds, a mix of lavender and lilac, with an elusive blend that I couldn’t quite pin. It was as if the walls themselves were adorned with fresh flowers. I thought to lean in and test if the wallpaper was one of those scratch-and-sniff papers, but I resisted.

If the day wasn’t already bewildering enough, I struggled to comprehend how this was possible. The exterior had been so deceptive, and there was no logical explanation for the stark contrast. Was this some hidden gem beneath the surface, a secret haven for the wealthy?

“It’s beautiful,” I whispered, the words more intended for my ears than anyone else’s, though Dustin caught wind of them. He detached himself from the door frame and guided me deeper inside.

I could hear Sasha’s disgruntled voice cut my thoughts. “Yeah, yeah, it’s a nice place. Can we hurry this up?”

“It is beautiful, isn’t it?” He said as if he had had some sort of effect on the place, completely ignoring his sister’s remarks.

Oliver and Sasha strategically positioned themselves between me and the entrance as if anticipating a potential escape. It was a clever move, yet it felt unnaturally well-rehearsed, sparking a disturbing realization that this might not be their first venture into kidnapping. The realization settled in my stomach like a heavy rock, but I tried to ignore it as we moved through the building.

Most of the rooms we passed by looked as if they belonged in a fairy tale.

There were statues and ornate paintings framed in gold fixtures with embellishments carved into them. One that caught my eye was a painting of an attractive-looking blonde man wearing a very masculine-looking formal outfit, perhaps dating back to the seventeenth century. However, I was no history buff by any means. I couldn’t help but notice that his eyes seemed to be a pale silver bean. Same as all the other Ellisarios. An interesting trait that, although attractive, seemed oddly unusual.
