Page 2 of His to Keep

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Liam's heart beat a little faster. It felt like it had been forever since he'd been able to catch up with his fiance. Between thedemands of their careers, their schedules were just too out of sync these days.

"Hey, babe!" James beamed. "How's my favorite doctor doing?"

"Hey," Liam replied, trying to inject some energy into his voice. "I'm good, I just got home. How's the marketing world treating you?"

"Ugh, don't even get me started," James groaned, rolling his eyes. "I've been swamped with meetings all day, and this new client is driving me up the wall..." He launched into a tirade about his work woes, seemingly oblivious to the dark shadows under Liam's eyes and the slump of his shoulders.

Liam listened, nodding occasionally while James recounted tales of demanding clients and incompetent coworkers. He wanted to share his own struggles, but couldn’t bring himself to interrupt the flow of James's complaints.

Instead, he retreated inward, a sinking feeling settling in his chest.

He didn't want to bring the mood down. But at the same time…

Why did it feel like James didn't actually see him?

"Anyway, enough about that," James said after what felt like an eternity. But instead of giving space for Liam to speak, he continued, "How about you tell me something to take my mind off work?"

"Sure," Liam responded hesitantly. "What did you have in mind?"

"Us, babe," James replied with a grin, leaning closer to the camera. "I've been thinking about our wedding night, how we'll finally be together again. When my contract here is up, there'll be no more long nights apart, no more lonely hotel rooms. Just you and me, finally."

Liam couldn't help but smile at the thought, despite the weight of his exhaustion. He missed James — missed the way they used to connect.

Even though lately it felt like the distance between them had grown into something that ran deeper than miles and time zones.

"Sounds perfect," Liam murmured, even as a hollow pit formed in his stomach. He wanted to believe in that future, in the happiness it promised, but doubt gnawed at him.

"Yeah?" James said with a sly smile. "So…"


"So…You want to give me a little something to tide me over until then?"

Oh. Liam hesitated for a moment, a wave of guilt washing over him. He didn't want to disappoint James, but the idea of engaging in anything sexual right now felt utterly draining. "James, I don't think I can tonight."

"Really?" James said. He scrunched up his face, clearly frustrated. "But you'realwaystoo tired or too stressed these days."

Liam flinched like he'd been slapped in the face. He knew James didn't mean to hurt him, but the sting of his comment was a painful reminder of the growing rift between them.

"Sorry," Liam mumbled, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "My job… you know how tiring it is—"

"Yeah, I know, babe," James huffed, but he was clearly unsatisfied. "Do you just want me to take care of myself, then?"

Liam plastered on a smile that he didn't feel. "I'd love that, baby."

Liam watched as James's hand disappeared beneath the camera frame, his breath hitching at the unmistakable sound of skin against skin. As Liam stared blankly at the screen, his mind raced.

How could he have let himself become so disconnected from the man he planned to spend the rest of his life with?

Somewhere along the line, something had gone wrong.

As James's heavy breathing filled his ears, Liam couldn't help but berate himself for taking his fiancé for granted. James loved him, after all.

But no matter how much he tried, he couldn't summon the feelings he'd once felt.

The tension in the air peaked as James's groans grew louder and more desperate. Liam could feel his face burning with shame and guilt, but he forced a sultry smile onto his lips despite the emptiness gnawing at his chest. "God, you're so hot," Liam offered through gritted teeth, fighting the urge to look away from the screen.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, James came. "Thanks, babe," he panted after he'd got his breath back, his tone smug and self-satisfied. "Wish you could've joined me, though."
