Page 32 of His to Keep

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"Yeah." Colt's eyes darkened. "We'll track down who was behind him, don't you worry."

They were safe — for now. Liam's breath hitched as he wrestled with the information. Yet, standing there in front of the man who had saved his life, he couldn't help but feel a magnetic pull towards him.

He longed for the safety and strength that Colt provided, even if it meant getting closer to danger.

Liam's heart raced as he gazed at Colt, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. He couldn't deny the intense attraction that had been building between them, but the danger and uncertainty surrounding Colt's world sent shivers down his spine.

He cleared his throat, forcing himself to focus on the present moment. "If the Thornes have already covered things up, why are you still here?"

A fierce fire blazed in Colt's eyes. He stepped closer. "I'm here for you, Liam," he answered, his voice low and rough. He paused, looking directly into Liam's eyes. "If you want me to be."

Liam warred with his emotions, desire battling fear. But in the life-or-death situation he'd just experienced, he now knew one thing for sure: nothing else mattered more than the undeniable fact that when the chips were down, he'd wanted Colt by his side.

He made his decision. "I've always been great at saving other people," he murmured, holding Colt's gaze. "But it was nice to be on the receiving end of it for once. Maybe I want someone else to save me, instead."

"Is that what you want, Doc?" Colt asked, his voice husky.

"Take me home," Liam whispered.

A slow grin spread across Colt's face, transforming his rugged features into something almost tender. He extended his hand, and Liam took it without hesitation, their fingers intertwining as they walked towards Colt's car.

As they drove through the darkened streets, Liam couldn't help but steal glances at Colt, admiring the strong, muscular lines of his body. The silence between them was charged with unspoken desire, the air thick with longing.

When Colt pulled up outside Liam's house, he turned to face him, his eyes intense and questioning.

The moment Liam opened the door to his house, the mundane interior greeted him – a stark contrast to the intensity he felt with Colt just outside. Now the neutral furniture and uninteresting decor made it seem like a prison, a place where he had wasted his life waiting for James like a good little fiancé.

It was time to do something new with his life.

It was time to start living it.

With a hungry look in his eyes, Colt closed the distance between them, capturing Liam's lips in a passionate kiss.

His hands roamed over Liam's body, strong yet tender, eliciting a groan. Colt pulled back, concern furrowing his brow. "Was that too rough?"

Liam laughed breathlessly. "You can be rougher… if you want."

A flash of lust sparked in Colt's eyes. Without wasting another moment, he deepened the kiss, his hands gripping Liam's hips firmly.

Liam felt as if he were drowning in the sensations, his mind a whirlwind of desire and need. The roughness of Colt's touch was intoxicating, making him feel alive in ways he had never experienced before.

Colt's hands moved with a tenderness that felt like a delicious contradiction compared to the powerful force of his body. As they kissed, Liam couldn't help but compare this moment with the simple, mechanical touches he had shared with James.

Never before had he felt so desired, so wanted.

He tentatively reached up, his fingers grazing the contours of Colt's muscular body, feeling the heat that radiated from him. "Damn," Liam breathed out, his voice rough.

Colt's lips moved to his neck, leaving a trail of kisses and nips that made his skin tingle. "You like that?"

"More than I thought possible," Liam admitted.

With a smirk that both teased and promised more, Colt effortlessly scooped Liam into his arms. Liam yelped and clung to Colt's broad shoulders, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I'm never going to get used to that," Liam stammered, still trying to process what had just happened.

"You will," Colt replied, a wicked grin on his face. "Now, which way is the bedroom? I want to carve my name over every memory of that piece-of-shit fiance of yours."

Liam shivered, and pointed. Colt carried him to the bed with ease, like he was a bride being whisked over the threshold. Liam couldn't help but feel small in comparison. His gaze wandered over Colt's broad shoulders, down his tattooed chest and toned pecs...

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