Page 1 of Broken Alpha

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“Well, I’m definitely not in Kansas anymore,” I mutter to myself as I stare out my apartment window at the stormy coastline.

If I stand on my tiptoes and crane my neck just right, I can see the waves crash against the rocks far, far below me. Being close to the water was part of the reason why I decided to stay in Twisted Oaks. Aside from the scenery, I like the fact that Twisted Oaks is a small town.

Like…reallysmall. So small, no one would ever think to look for me here, if they even knew it existed at all. And even if my past decides to hunt me down, I’m hoping I’ll be able to spot the monsters more easily in a tiny town. They’ll be more out of place here, right?

I shiver as I think about my father and the men that are after me. Dread settles heavily on my chest and I struggle to take a deep breath as I push thoughts of them away.

I don’t have time to worry about that right now. It’s my first week at my new job in my new life, and I can’t afford to be running as late as I am. It took me almost two weeks to convince one of the shop owners to give an outsider a chance at part-time work. Mrs. Taylor has definitely warmed up to me, and I’m hoping I’ll be getting more hours soon.

I grab my too-thin coat and zip it all of the way up, bracing myself for the cold and wind that I know will greet me as soon as I step outside. If I'm going to stay here, I should really invest in some winter gear, but I can barely afford the rent on this tiny apartment or to feed myself. I’m just lucky I found an apartment that accepted the first month’s rent in cash and didn’t ask too many questions about why I didn’t have my ID on me.

I lock the door, double-checking that it's really locked before I turn and jog down the short flight of stairs and out into the cold. I scan the sidewalks and streets for any sign of Frank or my father, but I don't see them anywhere. That still doesn't help me relax though.

I scurry toward the bookstore with my head dipped down, keeping to the shadows. I've been running for the last four months, never staying in one spot for long.

I can’t let them find me.I can’t go back to Kansas and marry Frank. Especially after today. It’s my birthday. What a shitty present.

I shudder and my stomach revolts at the thought of being married to a man like that. I squeeze my eyes shut against the last memory I have of Frank. Still, I see his sinister smile, his lips peeling back to reveal stained yellow teeth and alcohol-soaked breath.

A gust of wind hits me and I teeter to the side, feeling a bit disoriented with the stupid tears stinging my eyes.

“Umph!” I grunt as I run into something. It feels like I just ran into a brick wall and I scowl slightly as I reach up to rub the sting from my nose.

“You alright, darling?” the man - not brick wall - I ran into asks. He reaches out toward me, but I jerk away from him.

“Fine,” I say, stepping back before he can touch me. I look up, and then up a little more until my eyes meet his. The air stalls in my lungs and my mouth drops open slightly as I get a good look at him.

Dark brown hair hangs over his forehead into artful disarray. I briefly wonder if he styled it that way, but when I check out the man more, I decide against it. He doesn’t seem like the kind of man who would spend that much time on his appearance. I bet he doesn’t even have any gel or product for his hair besides shampoo.

He’s rugged, kind of like a lumberjack, and I feel so small and delicate standing next to him. His dark green eyes are locked on me and I wonder what he sees when he looks at me.

A scared child? A weak little girl who doesn’t know where she belongs in the big bad world? Someone playing at being an adult but failing miserably?

I probably look like a mess. I can feel the wind blowing my red hair around, tangling the thick strands up. My face is wind-burned, too, and I clear my throat, taking another step back.

I shouldn’t care what he thinks of me. I can’t do relationships - romantic, friendship, or otherwise. It wouldn’t be fair to bring someone else into my drama. Not that this man would even look twice at me had I not smacked into his chest a few seconds ago. I don’t know why that thought even slipped into my head.

I try to bury my sudden and intense attraction toward the stranger as I sidestep him.

“Wait,” he says, blinking a few times as if coming out of a stupor. I glance over at him as he pulls a wool hat out of his back pocket and fits it over my head. “You should be dressed warmer.”

I bristle slightly at the admonishment, but when I take a deep breath and smell his woodsy, pine scent, all thoughts of telling him that I can take care of myself disappear. Instead, an image ofthe two of us in bed replaces those thoughts and I blink, begging my cheeks not to turn bright red. Then again, they’re probably already glowing from the cold. Score one for the icy wind.

“Thanks,” I mumble, not sure how to respond.

He nods and I take one last look at him. The man is smiling slightly and for the first time in forever, I feel seen, maybe even… safe? My heart flips over in my chest and I try to squash those ridiculous and dangerous thoughts.

I can’t have him,I remind myself.I can’t have anyone.

I turn to leave, and this time he lets me. I hurry down the street and into the bookstore. It’s warm in here, with a fire roaring in the fireplace in the corner and I head there, trying to thaw out my fingers.

“Good morning, Phoenix,” Mrs. Taylor greets me and I turn with a smile, heading over to the counter where my boss is busy unboxing books.

“Morning. I can’t take care of that,” I tell her as I take off my jacket and hat.
