Page 12 of My Dark Prince

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“Bit early for that, isn’t it?” I remark.

He tilts his head back and throws back a gulp.

“You sent me to deal with those fuckers, Clarkson, this morning, so no, it’s not too early,” he grumbles and turns to me. “You know how much I despise them. They’re vultures, just waiting for any opportunity to screw us over.”

My jaw clenches. “And they won’t get the chance. You’re one of my best at negotiations. Close the deal with them today. Take everything they have and get them to sign the agreement. Once we have that, we’re done with them.”

“That’s the fucking plan. You’re taking the next set of assholes.”

I bark out a laugh. “You got it.”

Luke and I have been buddies for as long as I can remember, his past as dark as mine. We bounce well off each other, both as fierce and ruthless when it comes to business. Whether it’s grand hotels, ancient mansions, or struggling businesses, I purchase, renovate, and sell at a massive profit. It’s not just a job but a challenge of how low we can get the biggest job and how high we can sell. Especially when we buy from those drowning in debt… the adrenaline rush to snatch it up is addicting.

Yet, as my thoughts drift back to Sapphire, a tingling sensation snakes up my spine. Excitement? Doubt? Guilt? Whatever the sensation is, it makes me question my decisions…which I never do. I never involve my personal life in business, yet this time…

The sudden clank of Luke setting the empty glass down with finality rips me out of my thoughts. He glances my way as he strolls toward my desk.

“You’re prepared for tomorrow night, right?” he asks, his tone serious despite his casual stance. “You got it all under control?”

I fix him with a deadpan stare.

A sly smile slips across his mouth.

“Ah, I forgot who I was talking to… the king of games. But tell me you’ve got your date clued up on the role, so she doesn’t say the wrong thing and fuck it up.”

There’s a pause as his words float in my mind. I made the decision yesterday, and I didn’t change my mind.

Luke’s brows pinch together, and realization dawns on his face.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me? Please tell me you haven’t lost your mind. You’re taking the new girl, Sapphire, aren’t you?”

“I think she’d be perfect.” I lean into my seat, my hands on the armrests. “She’s fresh and innocent, not like the usual parade I’ve taken to such events.”

His eyes widen. “Fuck man, this isn’t like any normal event. You have to convince them you’re engaged to the girl! And I’m pretty sure this girl hates you for buying her. Plus, she knows nothing about our business.”

“That’s the point,” I counter calmly. “She doesn’t need to, and her ignorance is an advantage. Trust me, I’ve got this.”

“I have no doubt, but sometimes, your decisions freak me the fuck out. Maybe I should attend, just in case.”

Laughing, I shake my head. “Stay with your latest flame this weekend. This needs to be credible, and you attending with us as a third wheel will scream red flags.”

He flops down on the chair in front of my desk and huffs, blowing the long lock of dark hair hanging over an eye.

“I’m beginning to think my weekend trip’s a mistake. You know me, I tire easily, and she’s… she’s too good.”

Rolling my eyes, I say, “Then, for a change, don’t act like an ass. See where it takes you.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Who the fuck are you? What did you do to the real Hawk?”

I chuckle.

“Anyway, I better get changed. Just don’t let this new girl get into your head and fuck things up.”

I nod. “She’s just another deal. Nothing more.”

As he leaves my office, my thoughts swirl back to Sapphire and the confidence that the night will go without a hitch, like they always do. Sapphire will just have to play her part… it can’t be that hard.

