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Rotten luck, that’s what this was. And I was not in the mood for anything else to go wrong.

I looked around, praying that Heather was still nearby, but her car was gone. Usually, I’d call Mariam, but that wasn’t an option anymore, either. I tried her friend Patrick since he worked at the auto garage, but he wasn’t answering.

I sighed, slumping against the seat. I might have to leave the car where it was until someone with a tow truck could pick it up. But there were only a few Lyft drivers in the pack and no real taxis. Abandoning the car wouldprobably mean walking all the way back home.

Movement in the rearview mirror caught my attention. It was someone pulling up behind me. The dark color and size of the vehicle made it foreboding and a little familiar. Frowning, I tried to remember where I had seen the big, black truck before. I didn’t have to wonder for long. The driver stepped out and gave a charming, lopsided smile. It was Neil driving the same truck that helped him and Jeremy search for Mariam.

My wolf prickled at the way he looked me over from where I sat. I had to admit that it made me uncomfortable, too. I rolled down the window as he approached the driver’s side.

“Hey, Ella. Everything okay?” The question sounded innocent enough, but it felt weird for him to ask. For all he knew, I was just sitting in my car after a long shift. Unless he heard my engine sputtering, I guess.

“Not really,” I admitted. “My car won’t start, and Patrick isn’t answering.”

“Patrick?” The name soured in his throat. “Why are you calling him?”

“He works in the auto-body shop,” I pointed out. “And I have his number because he and Mariam used to be… close.”

Neil smirked, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes. “You should lose his number. Let me give you a ride home, and then I can sort out your car.”

I hesitated. What he said made sense. It was a nice thing to do, offering to help me out, but how he said it didn’t sound like an offer. It sounded like an order.

“Okay,” I said slowly, rolling the window back up andopening the door to join him on the sidewalk. I shrugged my purse onto my shoulder and followed him to the truck. “Thanks for stopping.”

“It was good timing,” he said smoothly, opening my passenger door. “I’m happy to help.”

He could be more help by just leaving us alone, my wolf argued.I could get us home fast.

Clearly, she wasn’t a fan, and she had a point. Shifting and running home would have been another good option. It was too late to back out now, though. I clipped my seatbelt on, noticing Neil’s remained unfastened.

“You have to turn left at the light,” I prompted. His laugh was like a bark, and it sent a chill up my spine.

“I know where you live, Ella. I’m the pack’s beta, remember?”

Of course, he knew my address. How could I forget? He’d been there several times over the past few months because of Mariam. My cheeks went pink over the mistake.

“You’re cute when you’re embarrassed,” he said, reaching over to caress the blush on my face. I jerked away, not expecting the sudden contact. His hand fell without protest, but the smile was gone from his face.

I wasn’t sure how to respond, so we drove for a while in silence. I was hoping he would apologize for trying to touch me, and I’d tell him it was no big deal, and we could move on to another topic, but that never happened. It was Neil who eventually broke it.

“So, what made you do that to your hair?”

I almost laughed, but a glance in his direction told me he was serious. “It’s just hair, Neil. I wanted a change, so I made one. I like it.”

“Don’t get me wrong. It doesn’t look bad. It’s just not how I want my mate presenting herself. Once we are mated, you’ll change it back to a natural color.”

What was it with these men and their obsession with my hair? “I’m not changing it, and we aren’t mated, Neil.”

“Not yet,” he said, smirking. I let out a deep breath, trying to just let it go.

Finally, after what felt like an hour but was actually only ten minutes, we arrived. I gathered myself and turned to open the door.

“Thanks for the ride, Neil. I was lucky that you happened to be nearby.”

“You could thank me by letting me take you to dinner,” he suggested. I gave a half-hearted laugh before I realized that he was being serious.

“You probably didn’t get my text, Neil, but I need a few days to unwind first. Let’s make a date for next week, okay?”

I was almost out of the car when he reached for my arm. I stilled, but my wolf was ready to pounce. Something in his touch felt vaguely threatening.
