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Gabe’s apartment was close to the library, which was a relief because I knew I needed to start looking for work. Given my experience, a job there was probably the only thing I was qualified to do.

“Good morning, sleepyhead,” Gabe greeted me and whistled at my change in appearance. He gestured to the coffee pot, inviting me to get some for myself.

“Good morning. Thanks again for letting me stay with you, Gabe,” I said. I filled a mug and leaned against the counter. Showering with my own shampoo, putting on a little makeup, and wearing clothes that actually fit made me feel more like myself again. “Do you know if anyone in town is hiring?”

Gabe’s eyebrows shot up in surprise. “I didn’t think you would be staying long enough to want to look for work.” His response was slow, as though he was trying not to say the wrong thing and offend me.

That caused me to hesitate, too. “I’m not planning on staying forever, but my traveling has gotten more expensive than I thought, and I need to make some money before I leave.”

There was something he wasn’t telling me. I waited, hoping he would spill it without me having to ask. It felt wrong to pressure my host to divulge information, especially when he was allowing me to crash at his place for free. When he refused to break the silence, I did with a sigh.

“Is there something that I need to know about spending time in Tumblewild?” I asked.

“Actually, I wasn’t sure how to bring this up, but wolves from other packs aren’t allowed to live in Tumblewild indefinitely. Our borders are open to visitors, but anyone staying more than three months has to receive approval from our alpha.” Gabe’s Adam’s apple bobbed, and he looked a little uncomfortable. “Our alpha has only approved new members a few times. Other than when a pack member takes on a mate from another pack, of course. So, I am not sure how successful your petition would be.”

So much for being a progressive pack,I thought. I forced a smile, trying to relieve his discomfort. “Three months is plenty of time. I’ll be gone long before your alpha feels the need to throw me out.”

I meant the comment to be lighthearted, but it caused Gabe to furrow his brow.He doesn’t agree with the rule, my wolf said. It was true; the idea of turning wolves away fromTumblewild seemed to really bother him. I reached out to touch his arm, hoping he understood that I wasn’t upset about the policy. If I could start working right away, I would be able to save more than enough to get me to another pack. Or maybe by then, I could even return home.

Gabe cleared his throat and took a step back, causing my hand to drop to my side. “I think that the pack’s school is hiring. What with the teacher shortage and all, you know?”

It was my turn to look concerned. “I’ve never taught before, and I’m definitely not licensed to teach in Arizona. Thanks for the suggestion, though.”

He shook his head. “I think they’re hiring teacher’s assistants, too. No experience required. It might be worth a look anyway. I can’t think of anyone else looking for short-term employees, but it wouldn’t hurt to ask around. In any case, I have to get to work, too.”

“What do you do for the pack?” I asked, happy for a change of topic.

“I’m a council apprentice. One day, I’ll sit on the pack’s council, but for today, I’m just going to read some old documents and get coffee and make phone calls for my mentor while he is out of town.”

“So, you were working yesterday?”

He nodded, grabbing his suit jacket off the back of a kitchen chair. “A little unpaid overtime, you know?” He put his mug in the sink and riffled through one of the draws until he found a spare key. He handed it to me, causing my eyes to widen with surprise. “I’ve got a good feeling about you, Ella. Good luck on the job search today. I’ll see you tonight around six.”

And with that, he walked out the door and left me, a totalstranger, alone in his apartment. I stood, rubbing the key between my fingers. While my wolf didn’t understand the significance of the key, she shared in my confusion about him.

Guilt settled in the pit of my stomach when I thought about him calling me Ella. Gabe trusted me enough to offer a key to his place, and I didn’t even trust him enough to tell him my real name. I pushed the feeling to the side, knowing there was nothing that I could do to change it.


I waited nervously in the school’s office, knowing the chances of me being hired were little to none. I didn’t have a driver’s license, a resume, or even professional references. I might be able to provide Patrick as a personal reference, but it’s not like he was a former coworker. If I listed the librarian at my old job, she would go straight to Jeremy with information about where I was hiding out. No, asking her to put in a good word for me wasn’t an option.

“Ms. Landis?” The principal appeared in the doorway of her office. She smiled and motioned for me to follow her. I let out a slow breath, thankful to at least be wearing a more professional outfit than sweats and a T-shirt.

“Have a seat,” she said, gesturing to the set of chairs in front of her desk. “I must say, Ms. Landis, that you come to us highly recommended. When can you start?”

I lowered myself into the chair, not believing what she said. “Um…I’m sorry, Ms. Jenner. I come recommended by whom?”

“By Mr. Daniels, of course.” The confusion must have been written across my face, causing her to laugh. “Gabe.Gabriel Daniels. In this pack, if Gabe recommends you, you’re hired. He’s an excellent judge of character, and, well, I think he has done more favors for everyone in Tumblewild than we’d like to admit. So, when can you start?”

“I don’t have any documentation. I left my last pack… in a hurry. Don’t you need background checks and driver’s licenses and stuff to work in a school?”

“We are a pack school, Ms. Landis. Our hiring practices don't need to conform with the norms of the human world, especially since almost all our employees are hired from within the pack. In your case, Mr. Daniels’ recommendation is more than enough.”

“I can start immediately,” I said, choking the words out. “I can only stay on temporarily, though. As a non-pack member, I have to leave before my three months are up.”

Ms. Jenner nodded. “Yes, Gabe mentioned that when he called. Right now, I am more than willing to take all the help I can get. Two of our teachers have taken a leave of absence, so you will assist both kindergarten classes. Is that something you can handle?”

“Absolutely. I love kids.” I smiled at the thought of a room full of young pups.
