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I fought my wolf as she struggled to answer him. If I let her to the surface now, there’s no telling what she might say. Trace’s wolf watched our inner battle with interest, his dark eyes piercing my soul as he searched for an explanation.

“I want my freedom,” I spat out at him. That wasn’t a lie, at least, and it seemed to provide the wolf with something to consider.

“You may think you want freedom, little wolf, but what I have planned for you is much more in line with your real needs. Soon, I will be your master, your owner, and I will consume your every thought. That might sound like bondage to you now, but it is our way. You will receive freedom in your connection to me.”

Satisfied with his words, the wolf left Trace’s eyes, but the intensity in them remained. Trace might not have spoken the words himself, but he fully endorsed the message. “What do you think of that, sweet Mariam? Are you ready to become mine?”

Not waiting for a response, he thrust his hips against mine, bending his knees so that we lined up perfectly. His cock was hard, almost like steel, through his pants. It was long and thick; I could feel it clearly even with our clothes acting as a barrier.

His hands tangled in my hair until one of them found my throat. I melted against his grasp, once again surprised by how wonderful it felt. He applied light pressure, just enough to remind me that his strong fingers were allowing me to take each breath.

He moved his lips from my mouth and made a trail of kisses down my face. He nipped at my neck, grazing the fully healed scar he had left the day before. Just him lightly stimulating the mating mark sent me crashing into an orgasm. I screamed his name as I shuddered against him.

“Fuck, Mariam,” he groaned. “You’re going to make me lose control. If you don’t want this…if you want to wait…please tell me. I’ll stop. I promised you that I would, and I’ll stop now if you want.”

The desperation in Trace’s voice made me want to undress him even more, but his plea reminded me of what I needed to do. It took every ounce of resolve left in my body to speak the magic words.

“I want you to stop,” I whispered. He stepped back without complaint, but his eyes told me that it was incredibly difficult for him to do so. The air between us felt cold with his warmth gone.

I hurried out the bedroom door, not daring to stay in the room a minute longer. I needed to talk to Jess before things got out of hand, and I lost my freedom to a man like Trace Everett.


The phone was really nice, much fancier than the one I had left back at Dark Claw. I was alone in the kitchen admiring the gadget that one of Trace’s men had shoved in my hands. He had left without any explanation, so my best guess was that Trace wanted me to start using it.

The kitchen was eerily quiet after he was gone. Justine and Randy would be absent most of the day, completing whatever business Trace had delegated to them. As far as Icould tell, they were the only other people living in the expansive home, and they didn’t even reside the main house, either.

According to Trace, the beta suite on the bottom floor was basically a separate apartment. I wouldn’t even necessarily know when they returned if they used their private entrance.

I sipped the coffee I had brewed and flipped another pancake on the griddle. I had promised Jess breakfast, and coffee and pancakes were almost foolproof. I considered trying to find Trace and offer him a plate, but I thought better of it. We both needed space after what happened in the bedroom.

There was a tentative knock on the door right at nine-thirty. Of course, Jess would be on time. I got the impression that she was usually a rule follower, which would be an excellent fit for someone like Trace. He’d have her submitting to his kinky fantasies in no time.

I set down the spatula and hurried to the door, not wanting to argue with my wolf about another woman receiving Trace’s kinks. She was an eager participant if there ever was one. In fact, she didn’t even see what was so taboo about it; his interest in us was just par for the course in her mind.

“Good morning, Jess,” I said, opening the door and welcoming her inside. She smiled and removed her coat before following me into the kitchen. “Your muffins were so good. I hope you don’t mind having regular pancakes from a box mix. I’m not a talented chef.”

Jess giggled. “It really wasn’t anything. I’m sure these pancakes are delicious. Thanks again for inviting me over.”

The laugh lines around her eyes told me that she genuinely appreciated the offer, but she was also discreetly scanning the room.

“Trace is somewhere in the house, but I don’t think he’ll be joining us for breakfast,” I said.

Jess nodded and managed only to look slightly disappointed. She sat down on a barstool and returned her attention to me as I handed her a mug of coffee and some creamer.

“I’m grateful for the invitation to see you again, Mariam,” she said carefully. “But I have the feeling that this is more than just a social call. Is there something you wanted to discuss with me? Away from Trace?”

She was clever; I had to give her that.

I nodded. “I wanted to share an idea with you. But before I do, I have to warn you that what I’m going to say is pretty unconventional, and I understand if you don’t want to do it. I don’t want to ruin your friendship with Trace, but I think you might like what I have to say.”

Jess straightened in her chair, her interest piqued. I took a deep breath and continued. I explained to her how I wanted her to seduce my mate, convince him to mark and sleep with her, and break the bond we had with each other.

She listened without saying a word, mulling over the request in silence. When I finished, she took a long drink from her mug. I thought for sure she was going to refuse to help me, but she surprised me when she finally set her coffee back down on the counter.

“I’m in,” she said.

Chapter 15
