Page 13 of Protecting His Girl

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With a promise to reach out if I need anything, Penny and Shawn disappear into the crowd, leaving me with Duke and Mimi.

Duke grunts beside me. “I don’t like that guy."

I laugh. "Who, Shawn?"

He shrugs, avoiding my gaze. "Yeah, he just"

I know it's ridiculous, but inside, a part of me lights up at his possessive tone. We've barely known each other for two days, but I love how Duke wants me all to himself.

I give him a reassuring squeeze on the arm. "Don't worry about it. Let's just enjoy our day."

When we get inside the restaurant, I can't help but marvel at the decor. The walls are adorned with local art, and live plants hang from the ceiling. It's cozy yet modern, and I know my readers will love it.

Guiding me gently by the elbow, Duke leads me over to the line forming in front of the ordering counter. The aroma of tomato sauce and melting cheese makes my stomach growl.

He leans in, his breath warm against my ear. "Do you know what you want yet?" he murmurs.

"Hmm," I murmur back, scanning the chalkboard menu above the counter, "Still looking." My eyes dart over the list of artisan pizzas, each one sounding more delicious than the last.

Just as I'm considering the merits of prosciutto versus pepperoni, I hear a male voice call out behind us.


Turning around, Duke's face breaks out into a grin as two men approach us. Both are tall, rugged, and unmistakably related to Duke.

"Jake, Wes," he greets, reaching out to clasp hands with each of them. The easy camaraderie between them is clear, and I can't help but smile.

"Grace," Duke says, "meet my brothers, Jake, Wes and Chase.”

Jake, the taller of the two, has a warm smile and sandy brown hair that falls messily over his forehead. His green eyes sparkle with humor as he throws his head back in laughter at something.

Wes, on the other hand, is more brooding, with dark hair and deep-set blue eyes that seem to be constantly searching forsomething. He scowls, clearly distracted by whatever's on his mind.

"Nice to meet you both," I extend my hand first to Jake then to Wes. "I'm Grace Hunt. And this is my dog, Mimi."

As soon as the words leave my mouth, Jake's eyes flick to Duke, an amused look on his face. "Rich Hunt's daughter? Seriously?"

Duke instinctively wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer to his side. "We'll talk about that later," he says, a hint of a warning in his tone.

My gaze flickers to Wes, who still seems to be lost in thought. I follow his gaze to a beautiful woman chatting with a handsome man in the corner of the restaurant. The man keeps touching her arm, and I notice how the muscles in Wes's jaw tick with each contact.

Duke, leaning forward, squints in the direction of Wes's gaze, "Is that Fiona?" He asks, nodding towards the woman in the corner.

Wes grumbles back, "Yeah." His eyes remain trained on the pair in the corner, his fists clenching at his sides.

Jake, following their stares, asks, "Who is she talking to?"

"Patrick Riley," Wes grumbles, his voice just above a whisper.

Duke looks back at Wes, raising an eyebrow. "Why do you care? I thought you couldn't stand Fiona."

Wes's gaze remains locked on Fiona and Patrick, his jaw set in a hard line as he retorts, "I can't."

Duke chuckles, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms over his chest, "Whatever you say, Wes."

After a few more minutes, we finally make it to the front of the line. I order a pepperoni pizza, while Duke goes for the classic margherita. I also order a dog-friendly pizza for Mimi, making sure to add extra cheese and a bit of chicken on top.

We grab our trays and make our way to a table outside, enjoying the warm sunlight and gentle breeze.
