Page 15 of Protecting His Girl

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The buzz of conversation and clinking of dishes are like background noise as my pulse roars in my ears.

A sense of panic washes over me as I look around. The bustling restaurant now seems like a maze, with tables and chairs packed in too tightly and people moving frantically between them.

Then I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

It lights up with a text from Slate. I swipe it open.

Shawn Thomas.

My vision darkens at the corners as I fill with rage. Then Penny walks by with a tray loaded with steaming pizzas.

"Penny," I call out, stopping her in her tracks. "Seen Shawn?"

She hesitates, then points towards the back hallway. "Saw him heading that way."

Wes and Jake come up beside me. "What's the move, bro?" Wes asks. [describe their determination]

The restaurant is small, and it's only been twenty minutes since we last saw Grace. Wherever Shawn is, he can't be far.

I turn to Chase. "Stay here with Molly." Then I hand him Mimi's leash. "And guard this dog with your fucking life."

Then I nod to Wes and Jake. "You two are with me."

Without hesitation, my brothers fall into step beside me. We move as one, pushing our way through the bustling restaurant toward the back hallway.

My boots pound against the tiled floor, the sound echoing off the walls of the dimly lit hallway.

And there, at the end of the hallway, a sight that freezes my blood. Shawn, holding Grace, a blade glinting in his hand.

Grace is trembling, her eyes wide with fear. And Shawn...he's enjoying every minute of it.

I draw my weapon and approach him quietly from behind until the barrel is at the base of his neck.

"Let her go, Shawn," I growl.

He turns towards me, his eyes widening in surprise before morphing into a sneer.

"Well, well, well. Look who's here to save the day," he says, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

My finger tightens on the trigger as rage courses through me. With one swift motion, I kick his hand away from Grace and push her out of harm's way before tackling Shawn to the ground.

We grapple for control over the weapon, but I quickly gain the upper hand and pin him down.

I see him stiffen, then drop the knife.

He bolts down the hallway.

Grace runs towards me, her eyes wide and teary. "I was so scared, Duke," she sobs, throwing her arms around me.

"I know, baby," I reply, pulling her close. Relief washes over me, mingling with the lingering traces of fear. “But you’re safe now.”

"I can't believe Shawn,of all people, was the one sabotaging Penny's restaurant this whole time!” The words fall from Molly’s lips in disbelief. “It just doesn't make any sense."

It’s an hour later, and I’m sitting in a booth at Sunnyside Pizza with my brothers and Molly.

After the drama with Shawn ended with him being hauled away in handcuffs, Penny decided to close the restaurant early. Now, Grace is on the other side of the room, giving her statement to the police.

"Actually, it does make sense," I chime in.
