Page 31 of Bread in The Oven

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Today we’re celebrating our one year anniversary of being in Lake Renegade. My parents died eight months ago. I wish I could say that I missed them. But it was because of them that I almost lost my baby. Because of them, I was put on bed rest for my entire pregnancy. The only time I was allowed out of it was when I married my soulmate. The man that made every dream that I never knew I wanted come true.

Somehow Salvatore took care of the whole situation with my parents. There were enough bystanders to testify that my father attacked me and then Romano. And Romano acted in self-defense. Then my mother took the gun that my father had and shot herself. I never got to ask them why they raised us the way they did. Why they never loved us. I’ve slowly come to terms with all of it. There’s nothing else I can do, I’ll never know why. But I do know that I want to go to college and get my psychology degree so that I can help others who’ve had to go through what we all did.

Romano gave me a family. Lucy and I are safe and loved. Something we’ve never had till now. The greatest gift that he gave me was our daughter. Giulietta Lucy Vietti was born one-and-a-half months early. But now she’s a perfectly healthy six-month-old baby. A few weeks before she was born, Romano and I had a simple ceremony in my hospital room. Raziel married us, just like he marries everyone else in our family. It was perfect. Romano says he wants to give me the big wedding we talked about before. But I don’t think I need that anymore. I have everything I could ever want already.

The only real thing that’s missing is Thomas and Robin. So far we haven’t been able to find them and it makes me sad. I miss them so much. Romano says that Sebastiano and Francesco, who are the best with computers, will never stop looking. I will always hold out hope that we will find them.


When I first lost Amara and our children, I thought that if I moved on and had another family, it would be a betrayal to them. But I’ve come to realize that it’s not. I feel it deep in me that they’re happy for me. That this is what Amara would’ve wanted for me. Finding Simone healed me in so many ways.

After I shot her father, I worried that it could change how she felt about me. Even thought I wasn’t the one that ended his life, I worried that she might have some sort of resentment towards me for doing it. But she’s had none of that, we’ve talked a lot about it. And she knows that his death was the only way that he would leave her and Lucy alone. I just wish I could’ve made him suffer for all the pain he put Simone through. He made her entire life a living hell. Even though the abuse didn’t start whenthey were children, it still evolved to that. No man should ever put their hands on a woman. Especially not your own daughter.

When Giulietta was born, I’ve never been more terrified in my life. She was a preemie and we were told that they couldn’t give us a one-hundred-percent yes that she would survive. I learned that my daughter is a fighter like her mamma. Within a week she was breastfeeding and home a month after she came into this world.

I have one more surprise for mia farfalla. It’s been a hard one to keep quiet. But it’s going to be worth it.

Today we’re celebrating Simone and Lucy being with us for a year. We all turn to the stage as Caitríona stands up there.

“Hey, everyone. Okay, we all know what we’re here for. To celebrate Simone and Lucy. They’ve been through so much and come out stronger. We all love you both so much. All of us here have a surprise for the two of you. I need you both up here with me,” Caitríona says.

I take Giulietta from Simone and give her a kiss. She and Lucy look a little nervous and I love it. When they get on stage, they’re made to face one way and told they can’t move. They’re both laughing as they stand there.

“Okay. I think we’re ready. Simone and Lucy? Turn around,” Caitríona says.

I watch my wife and sister-in-law turn. Lucy screams and launches herself at Thomas. Simone drops to her knees sobbing. Robin goes over to her and embraces her. Everyone is cheering and there’s not one dry eye here.

Simone comes over to me and leads me over to Thomas and Robin. I’ve already met them, they’ve been here for a day now. Thomas shakes my hand and then gives me a hug. Robin is next. I hug them both.

“Thank you for bringing us back together,” Thomas says. “I don’t know how you did it, but thank you.”

“It’s not me you need to thank. Sebastiano and Francesco are the ones that found you two.”

“But they said you were the one that set this in motion and you didn’t give up looking for us.” Robin smiles.

“I knew that this was the one thing I wanted to give to my wife,” I say as I kiss Simone.

“I also wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for my sisters. When I left them, it almost killed me. I almost went back for them. But I knew I couldn’t support all four of us just yet. I needed to get a job and a home. Then I planned on going back for Simone and Lucy.”

“I know you did your best. That’s what they both told me. Now that all of you are safe, if you and Robin want to stay in Lake Renegade, I’m sure we can find jobs you’ll like and we definitely have a home for you.”

“I don’t know what we did to deserve all of this. But know that I appreciate it,” Thomas says as he wipes tears from his eyes.

“We’re family here. You’re family now. We got your back,” I say to them.
