Page 30 of Scandal

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“Not a problem. Anything else you need right now?”

I thought about her question. “Since a knife was used, is there any way of detecting the angle, maybe even the make of the knife?”

“Absolutely, although I haven’t gone down that trail yet. What I can say about the weapon itself was that it could be a hunting knife. I’ll know more in a few hours or so. What specifically are you looking for? Height of the killer or whether they were attacked while sitting down?”

“Whatever you can determine I need to know. But right now, for my eyes and ears only.” What I was asking was technically against protocol, every rule, and likely the law, but we’d had each other’s backs before.

“Can do. I’ll let you know but not on paper.”

“I appreciate that. Oh, and whatever you can send me about the other two cases, without breaching the rules, of course, would be helpful.”

She grinned. “I can do that.”

I was angry, more so than I thought I could be, but it now included the people placing me in the middle of this possible charade. I had a very bad feeling things were about to get ugly.

And deadly.



“How’s that blouse now, Sedona?”

Jesus. I couldn’t shake Jonny’s words or his face. Even the music I’d selected, heavy metal music to be exact, had done almost nothing.

I was jumpy, more than usual so when I heard a sharp rap on the door, I almost yelped in surprise. After taking a deep breath, I headed into the foyer.

“I saw you on the news,” Jenny said as soon as I opened my door. Her smile made me cringe all over again.

“Nice to see you too,bestie.” I jerked the bag holding the wine out of her hand, leaving her to close the door behind her. The day had been arduous, my office phone ringing off the hook. I was thankful my cellphone was kept a secret from almost everyone or it would still be ringing off the hook.

“Hey, I watch television. You don’t appear happy at all in the shots. But you did look fabulous in red, darling.” When I threw her another hateful look, she rolled her eyes.

“How could anyone be happy while being bombarded by sharks and piranhas?”

I’d tried everything to discount the timing of the murders, replaying the hours I’d spent with him over and over again in my mind. The conclusion I continued coming up with didn’t bode well for my anxiety or my mood. Unless I was missing something significant or the man was a genie, there was no chance he was the murderer. What I hadn’t been able to come to terms with was how I was going to handle the news and his alibi. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I’d spewed the word several times during the day. Still, it was early. I needed to determine if he’d brought anyone with him and so far, I hadn’t found a commercial flight he’d been registered as coming in on. I doubted he’d driven from Montreal.

“Metal music. That means you’re really down in the dumps,” she teased.

“I have every reason to be.” Great. Now I was taking out my bad mood on her.

“Ouch. You had a very bad day. Maybe we need to skip wine and go straight to tequila,” Jenny suggested.

“Wine first then tequila.”

“Good idea.”

She trailed behind me into the kitchen. While I’d shut my laptop case, the notes from the crime and my thoughts on Jonny were in plain sight given I’d lost track of time since coming home.

“Jesus. You’re still working,” she said, peering down at the items on the table. As I would do given our profession, she started flipping through the information I’d gathered. Right on top was a picture I’d printed of Jonny from the internet. He’d been attending a swanky event, more handsome than ever in his tuxedo. I could stare at the photograph for hours, which didn’t bode well for attempting to prosecute a case I wasn’t certain had any merit any longer given the time the murders had occurred. “Whew. He is something.”

“Yeah, well, looks can be deceiving. You should know that better than anyone.”

“I know, girlfriend. Just saying.”

I wasn’t certain how to get the news across that there was no chance in hell the man in custody had done the terrible deed.

I placed the wine down, yanking the other bag from her hand then closing the manila file I had everything in. “Yeah, it’s a hell of a case.”
