Page 67 of Scandal

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Don’t do it. Don’t stop.

I jumped in, manually locking the doors before starting the engine. When it roared to life right away, I almost screamed for joy. There was no time to waste. I had to call Jonny. As I struggled to drive and find my phone inside my purse, I noticed someone just up ahead. I also remembered that I’d left my phone on my desk. Oh, God. I pressed my foot onto the accelerator, swerving the car toward the back entrance, my tire slamming against the edge of one of the curbs.

Something from underneath the car started making a terrible noise, but I yanked the steering wheel, glancing into the rearview mirror as I managed to pull the vehicle free. The person was running toward me, and I was certain I noticed a weapon in their hand.

Oh, no. They were not going to kill me right here.

I swerved again, barely avoiding losing control. But I didn’t. And I refused to do so. I wasn’t going to allow this shit to happen. When I was almost to the street, I noticed a shadow just out ofthe corner of my eye and was forced to swerve to avoid hitting the person.

As a slight yelp flew from my mouth, I glanced into the rearview mirror again. How had he gotten directly behind me?

The person hunting me raised both his arms.

No. Oh, God, no. “No!”




Something was very wrong. I felt it in my loins, my blood boiling. I could almost smell it in the air, my fingers itching to make contact with Sedona. While we’d agreed that contacting her via phone was easily traceable and wasn’t in either of our best interests, my instinct was screaming the woman I already adored was in danger.

“What is going on, boss?” Michael huffed.

“I can’t reach Zephyr. I need to find Sedona, Mike. She’s in danger. I feel it in my bones.”

“I’ll be right there, boss. Only ten miles out.”

“Head to the Fourth Street parking lot.”

“Will do. I told you I didn’t like this shit,” Michael hissed.

“Neither do I. Just hurry. I have a bad feeling we’re running out of time.” I ended the call, immediately dialing Zephyr again. As it rang and rang like the last time, I was ready to pitch the fuckingphone. “Come on. Answer it.” When the voicemail picked up after the sixth ring just as it had done before, I stormed through the bar and out the door. As I started to pace the area in front of the restaurant, I risked calling Sedona. At this point, I felt like I had no other choice.

When she didn’t answer by the third ring, I hung up. What in the fuck was going on?

I scanned the street then headed toward the parking lot, which was four blocks down from the selected restaurant, convenient to the cruise I’d wanted to take. That wasn’t going to happen. We had to get to the goddamn plane. My instinct told me whatever was going on had just been escalated. Whatever the reason, I didn’t give a shit.

As I raced down the sidewalk, pushing my way through groups of people, I constantly searched to ensure she wasn’t heading in my direction. Shit. It was becoming impossible to see a damn thing. I was full out running, knocking into more than one person.

People cursed at me but I didn’t care. A flash of something caught my attention and I stopped, craning my neck to try to figure out what I was seeing. Oh, dear God. It was her. A smile crossed my face, a sense of relief. She was hurrying toward the restaurant, constantly looking over her shoulder. Where the hell was my soldier? As soon as I started to jog in her direction again, I heard squealing tires as a vehicle spun around the corner, coming toward me. Then they pulled to a full braking stop, other cars following behind forced to swerve to keep from ramming into the back of it.

What the fuck?

When two men jumped out, heading in her direction, I yanked out my weapon. “Sedona!”

She stopped short, jerking up her head, her entire body swaying. Oh, dear God. I had to get to her.

“Run!” I bellowed, racing toward her, determined to protect her at all costs.

The two men raced forward as I closed the distance. She was doing her best, kicking off her heels and running toward me at full speed. I didn’t want to cause chaos, so I kept my weapon low.

Until one of the motherfuckers took aim, and I didn’t hesitate, yanking my gun into both hands and firing off a single shot.

She screamed along with two dozen other people who were desperately trying to get out of the way. I hopped through the panicked people, fighting to get to her, ready to kill the second guy when he decided it was in his best interest not to push me.

Backing away, the dude immediately turned around, heading back to the dark sedan. I didn’t waste any time, running toward her, scooping her into my arms, ready to fire a shot if necessary.
