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Before I can change my mind, I take my shoes off with trembling hands, stow my car keys in my purse and hang it on the hallway coat rack, before climbing the stairs to the top floor. I must be out of my mind. I shouldn’t have gone up to Brad’s private quarters last night to begin with. Will I be as lucky a second time around? After all, I simplyhaveto know if he’s using the sex doll. And I simplyhaveto try out my plan. Worst case scenario, I get into trouble and Brad kicks me out. No biggie, I’ll just get a place with some roommates, like a normal girl. But best case scenario? My insides squirm with delight, and I keep moving up the stairs despite my knees turning to jelly with every step.

As soon as I reach the top floor, I know I’m right: Brad isdefinitelyfucking the sex doll right now. I can hear his baritone voice grunting and panting quietly from down the hall. Heart racing, I tiptoe along the thick carpet and I realize the sounds aren’t coming from his home office today. Instead, they’re coming from what I assume must be Brad’s bedroom. And this time, it doesn’t sound like he’s trying to be quiet.

Perhaps Elissa is right, and he does actually care what I think. It’s a crazy hypothesis, but it would explain the difference between yesterday and today. Last night he knew I was home, so he was being quiet. Now, I’ve come home from work a little earlier than usual, a result of a rare moment of generosity from Greg, who let me go home early because the store was dead. And because Brad isn’t expecting me yet, he’s allowing himself to be a little louder. Can that really be true?

I tiptoe down the hallway until I’m standing in front of the door. Brad’s grunting and panting can be heard, muffled through the wood. But unlike last night, the door is completely shut and I won’t be able to peep in. How odd - surely, if he knew I was home, he would have closed the door properly last night? But I don’t stop to ponder the matter. My pussy clenches impatiently at the arousing sounds Brad is making, and I resolve to put my plan into action. I absolutely have to see if it might pay off. But in order to do that, I need to get into the bedroom without him seeing me. Clearly, I didn’t think this through. Now what?

Then I get an idea, and rush back downstairs as quietly as I can. Back in the foyer, I scoop my phone out of my purse and go quietly back upstairs, but this time to the second floor, to my own room. Closing the door behind me, I bring Brad’s phone number up on my phone. With trembling hands, I call him. It rings and rings, and just when I think it might go to voicemail, he answers.

“What?” he says gruffly, out of breath.

“Um hi Brad,” I stammer. “It’s Chrissy.”

“Yes, I know,” he replies impatiently, and I curse inwardly at my own stupidity. Of course he knows it’s me because I’m one of his contacts. “What is it?”

“I locked myself out,” I say, trying to sound pitiful, and not idiotic. “Would you be able to let me in?” I hear him sigh in annoyance, and then he hangs up. I listen for his footsteps in the hallway, and sure enough, here they come. Now I have to be quick.

As soon as I hear Brad storm down the stairs, I open my bedroom door soundlessly and poke my head out. Brad’s disappearing down the stairs when I look, and I’m momentarily stunned by the murderous look on his handsome face. He doesn’t see me, but I catch a glimpse of his naked, ripped body, with nothing but a towel around his waist and his cock still hard from fucking the sex doll. It points straight out into the towel, forming a tent pole inside the material. I swallow hard and will myself forward. I need to keep my wits about me if I ever want to see that rock hard staff up close.

Brad storms down to the first floor, still cursing under his breath, and I make a dash for it. Rushing onto the landing, I dart soundlessly up the stairs to the top floor and along the hallway leading to Brad’s bedroom. Good, he left it open. My heart pounding, I hurry inside and am immediately greeted by a sex doll on the bed, her pretend pussy still glistening with lube. The doll’s torso is covered by a sheet, exposing only her pussy and legs, but when I pull the sheet off, I see that she’s blonde and blue-eyed, like me. She’s much, much slimmer than I am, and has nothing of my luscious curves, but that’s fine. I can’t stop now because I have only moments to act. Picking the doll up from the bed, I’m surprised by how much she weighs, but I’m able to lug her over to a large, mirrored closet flanking the wall.

Then, the front door slams angrily downstairs and I freeze, the life-size sex doll hanging awkwardly from my arms. Oh shit! Brad’s on his way back! Sure enough, his footsteps thunder up the stairs and within seconds, I hear him striding along the hallway towards the bedroom.Towards me.I’m out of time, and my plan has failed before it’s begun. Within seconds he’ll burst through the door and find me here, in his most private of spaces, holding a sex doll whose silicone pussy no doubt already holds plenty of his pre-come. It’s over.

Then the doorbell rings, the sound reverberating through the house. I jump, and I hear Brad freeze just steps away from the bedroom door. He sighs in annoyance through clenched teeth.

“Goddamn it, Chrissy,” he growls, and I realize he thinks it’s me. When he went downstairs to let me in and didn’t find me on the stoop as expected, I wonder where he thought I’d gone? In any case, he seems to assume it’s me again, because I hear him turn on his heel and storm back down the stairs, muttering curses under his breath. It must be my Amazon delivery, arriving at last. I’ve literally been saved by the bell. As a result, I don’t waste another moment.

Breathlessly, I wrangle the closet open and see several other sex dolls crammed inside - plenty of them are also blonde and blue-eyed, most of them in skanky lingerie. The one I’m currently holding, however, is entirely naked. Taking a deep breath, I heave Barbie in, careless of where she lands. Then, I strip down with lightning speed and throw my clothes, including my bra and panties, in after her. I slide the closet door shut, and rush over to the bed, lying down in exactly the spot that was occupied by the sex doll only moments ago. I hastily pull the bedsheet over my head and shoulders, so Brad doesn’t see my face, and spread my legs in the same position the sex doll was in. Not a second too soon because I hear Brad thundering back up the stairs, still cursing a blue streak. I hold my breath because this is where the rubber meets the road.

Brad flings the door open, seething with frustration at having been interrupted in the middle of fucking his sex doll. He’s still cursing up a storm as he stalks towards the bed before coming to a stop. Through the thin bedsheet over my head I can’t make out much, but I can see the outline of his hulking frame towering over me as he takes in my lower body. Oh shit. Does he know it’s me? Can he tell me apart from the life-size Barbie currently crammed in the closet?

I hold still, barely breathing beneath the sheet. Fortunately, my pussy’s already moist, so it glistens invitingly. I’m careful not to move, but can he tell? Will my mom’s ex-boyfriend call me out? Or will he be overcome with lust at finding my young, flushed curves in his bed, willingly offered up to him for him to use at his leisure?



My blood boiling at Chrissy’s antics, I storm back upstairs. My teenage houseguest is sexy, but still, I was in the middle of fucking my newest purchase. To say I’m in a bad mood now is putting it lightly.

After all, what the fuck is Chrissy thinking? If she was locked out, why wasn’t she there when I opened the door? What kind of game is she playing, anyways, pretending to be locked out so that I’m forced to open the door for her, only to hide from me when I’m finally downstairs? Goddamn teenage girls. I should boot her pretty ass out of my home.

After all, I’ve noticed how voluptuous Chrissy’s become. The blonde teen parades her curves around the house like she’s in a beauty pageant. But shit like this reminds me of why I’ve been holding back from making a move on her. She’s too young, and immature to boot. She’s got a job selling make-up, but I’m sure it doesn’t pay more than minimum wage. However, more antics like this, and she’ll be out on her ass without so much as a goodbye.

As I stalk back into my room and slam the door behind me, I yank the towel off my waist and throw it aside, revealing my thick length. It’s gone soft from having to deal with Chrissy’s childish games and now hangs heavily down to my knees as I stride back over to the bed to finish fucking my new sex doll. But then I freeze, my breath stuck in my throat.

What the fuck is this?

The sex doll is gone from the bed, and in its place is the real life curvy body of a young woman. I immediately know it’s Chrissy and my cock instantly hardens and starts to rise again, throbbing with lust at the delicious sight of her bare pussy, her milky thighs, and her huge, heavy tits with their delicious pink nipples. Chrissy’s long blonde locks cascade from beneath the bedsheet covering her face. She’s lying dead still, the only sign of life coming from the gentle rise and fall of her soft belly as she breathes.

Was this her plan all along? To lure me away long enough so she could substitute herself for the doll? Does she really think I’m so stupid that I would actually fall for this? Or is she hoping I won’t care about the game, and fuck her anyways? For God’s sake, if she wants me to do her so badly, she could have just asked. I may have been holding back from making a move on her because of the taboos involved, but I’d have been more than happy to give her good fuck if it was coming from her. This game, on the other hand, is ridiculous.

I’m tempted to yank the bedsheet away and tell her how stupid and crazy she’s acting, and then send her out of the room so I can finish what I started with my newest purchase. It would be the right thing to do. But Chrissy’s a grown woman, of legal consenting age. She technically knows what she wants. And if what she wants is for me to pretend I don’t know it’s her, and use her for my pleasure, then that’s what she’ll get.

Besides, I’ve always wondered what her tight little pussy would feel like, wrapped around my cock. And if she’s offering it up to me on a platter like this, why would I deprive myself of that? Don’t get me wrong because Barbie and her friends are pretty fucking awesome. But there’s nothing like a real woman, and that’s something I haven’t had in a while. It’s too much hassle, especially given Janice’s recent decision to explore her polyamorous side with a bunch of grizzled old dudes. But Chrissy, in this situation? How can I resist?

My teeth clenched with lust, I reach down and gently touch her bare pussy with the tips of my fingers. Like velvet. Wet, slippery velvet, lubed up with her own juices, ready to accept me. Chrissy’s sharp intake of breath as I caress her pussy reveals her lust, and I know she’s trying to keep quiet. I can’t resist teasing her, so I gently play with her clit and grin evilly as she struggles to repress a moan. Let’s see how long she can keep this up. She’ll have to give in sooner or later.

Taking her swollen clit softly between my thumb and forefinger, I gently pull and stroke, eliciting sighs from beneath the bedsheet. But Chrissy manages to stay completely still. Fine. If she wants to keep up the pretense, I’m game too. After all, I have a heavy load to unleash.
