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“Thank you for your understanding, brother.”

“I wish you great happiness, Zarria.”

Zarria smiled, pure joy lighting her face. Atia swept her hands wide and the two women disappeared in a swirl of silver.

Zurvan turned his gaze to Celeste and smiled broadly. He scooped her into his arms, dragged her to her feet, and twirled her around. Her heart fluttered wildly. He kissed her, a passionate, electrifying kiss that promised much, much more. His body pressed tight against the length of her and she felt the hard ridge of his erection.

“Oh, Zurvan,” she murmured when he released her lips. “Now we have a lifetime to spend together.”

“Actually, we have eternity. You, Celeste, are now a Djinn.”

Her eyes widened and a confusion of thoughts tumbled through her mind.

“Does that mean—?”

“It means you are immortal.”

Immortal?The very thought was staggering. She and Zurvan would live eternity together.

“It also means you can work magic.” He nuzzled her neck. “Of course, you’ve already done that. On me. And on Atia.” He took her lips in a soft, gentle kiss, stirring her soul.

She glanced up at him. “I can work magic?”

“Yes. You’ll be able to do small things, like making inanimate objects appear, without any training. I’ll teach you how to draw energy from the universe to do bigger things.”


Zurvan smiled at the twinkle in Celeste’s eyes. “What are you thinking?”

“I’m thinking I’d like to work a little magic right now.”

“All right. Just imagine what you want and—“

The air suddenly felt a little cool.

“Mmmm. That’s what I want, baby,” Celeste said.

Her hot gaze on his body made him realize he was totally naked.


A tingling sensation surrounded his penis, still erect from his seeing the two women fondling each other’s breasts. His throat went dry.

“Oh, my God.”

He glanced down and a shimmering film covered his penis, quivering over the entire surface—the most intensely erotic sensation he’d ever experienced.

“Do you like that?” Celeste asked.

He nodded, unable to utter a word.

She disposed of her clothing in an instant.

The sight of them becoming translucent, then disappearing altogether, leaving her glorious, naked body visible, sent his heartbeat racing even faster.

“Oh, my God, Celeste, come here,” he pleaded.

She wrapped her arms around him, easing them both onto the bed. She pushed him flat on his back and sat on his pelvis. She sucked on one of his nipples, then the other.
