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There was an aura of vulnerability around her. And a sadness in her eyes.

He sensed a need in her to have someone or something more in her life.

Or maybe he was just reflecting his own feelings onto her.

It caused him real pain that she would take one look at him and run away, as if he were some kind of threat.

“She’s pretty, right?” Steve said.

“Yes, she is.” He glanced at his friend. “Are you interested in her?”

“Well, yeah, what man wouldn’t be? But I don’t think we’d work out. We’ve talked a few times—she’s friends with my friend Meghan—but we seem to be developing more of a casual rapport rather than a romantic relationship. If you want to pursue her, don’t worry about me.”

“I might if she didn’t seem so terrified of me.”

“Hey, if you’re interested, don’t give up on her too fast. I think she’s been through something. She has these haunted eyes, you know? But I’m sure she’s trying to work through it. She’d need someone who’s willing to be patient and slow.” He shrugged. “But I think she’d be worth it.”

Tal glanced at the door she’d escaped through.

“Yeah, I think maybe you’re right.”

* * *
