Page 17 of Karter

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“Wow. I’m trying to secure a place in your heart and you threaten me,” he chuckled as he leaned into his seat.

“What? Secure a place? You remember what I told you the other day about my brain? My brain deciding it liked you? You remember that Jak?” I asked.

The waitress placed the drinks on the table and smiled, “You ready to order?”

I glanced over my shoulder and gave her my best go away, bitch look.

“I’ll give you some time,” she smiled.

Yeah, do that.

I turned to Jak.

“Yes. I remember. Why?” he asked.

“I’m not trying to be gross. And this isn’t an offer. It is what it is, I suppose. But I have never, and I do mean never,” I paused and shook my head at the thought of discussing the matter.

“I’ve never been able to have sex without lube. My lady parts don’t get wet. They’re like fucked up. Medically. Mentally. Who knows. So, the other day when you picked me up? When my feet were dangling in the air?” I raised my eyebrows and waited for him to chew on what I offered so far.

He raised his chin, nodded slightly, and waited for me to continue.

“I got wet. And wet isn’t even close to an accurate description. Because I’ve never been wet Jak, I really couldn’t compare it to anything. But if all girls get as wet as you made me, there’s no way they can walk around smiling like they do. You want to know what I did after you left?”

He smiled and nodded.

I leaned forward, rested my elbows on the table and my chin against my clenched fists, “I got off my bike, walked back in, and went to the bathroom. I took off my tee shirt and tried to mop up the mess, Jak. My sacred Ramones shirt was covered in pussy juice and I fucking loved it. And, the other day when you pulled me across the couch? That day, Jak? Remember that day?”

He smiled until his dimples formed. He blinked once as he nodded his head.

I raised my chin from my hands and pointed my index finger toward my lap, “Soaked. Fucking soaked. And a minute ago? When you pulled that Kung Fu shit in the parking lot? Guess fucking what?”

He smiled and shrugged.

“Well, I didn’t go to the bathroom to wash my fucking hands, Jak. I went and dabbed my pussy until it was comfortably wet. I can’t make it dry. Not around you. Nope. Just less wet. So Jak, now I’m twenty-one years old and I’ve had my first wet pussy. You want to secure a place in my heart? Alrighty then. You can check that box. You did that a long time ago. What I’m forced to deal with is this; my fucking heart needs you and my brain wants you. So, Jak the mysterious Kung Fu master, leave me. Fuck me over, and I’ll stab you. You make my pussy wet, Jak. And I fucking like it,” I exhaled loudly and leaned into my seat.

“Fair enough,” he smiled.

Are you fucking kidding me?

I leaned forward and slapped my hands against the edge of the table, “Are you fucking kidding me? Fair enough? You need to forget that phrase. You’ve used it up. Fair enough? That’s your response?”

He leaned forward and smiled a shitty little smirky smile as he pressed his massive forearms into the table, “I’m not trying to be gross. And this isn’t an offer. It is what it is, I suppose. But I have never, and I do mean never.”

Did he just repeat what I said earlier word for word?

“I’ve never had a girl cause my cock to go stiff from simply holding her in my arms. Would you like to know why I chose to sit back down for fifteen minutes after I hugged you the other night?” he cocked one eyebrow slightly and pursed his lips.

I attempted to swallow. My face felt hot. I stared at Jak and imagined him with a hard cock. A hard cock which was rightfully mine because I made it hard. I continued to stare as the temperature elevated twenty degrees. I raised my hand to my cheek and began fanning myself frantically.

Is the air conditioner broke in this place?

Feeling somewhat light headed, I looked down at the table and noticed the two glasses of tea. I picked up the one closest to me and took a gulp, “Yes sir. I want to know. Why?”

His lips still pursed, he smirked and lowered his clenched hand to the center of the table. I looked down at his hand. He extended his index finger and curled it toward his palm repeatedly as he slowly leaned into the center of the table.

Here we go again. He’s hypnotizing me.

I leaned toward him and attempted to swallow. I rested my elbows on the table and my chin onto my cupped hands. As his face pressed against my cheek, he brushed my hair away from my ear. As I felt his breath against my face, my entire body turned to goosebumps.
