Page 29 of Karter

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Shit. I wish I hadn’t…

“Thirty-eight,” he responded flatly.

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, “I’m thirty-eight, and I just retired from the Navy after a little more than twenty years. I have no idea what I’m going to do with the rest of my life as far as a career goes, but for now I’m satisfied doing what I’m doing. I don’t need to work, but I feel I should.”

“You were sailor?” I asked.

That should get him riled up, calling him a simple sailor.

He nodded his head sharply.

Damn, Jak. Modest much?

I turned my body to face him and pushed my feet under his thighs, “Well, I wouldn’t care if you were twenty-one or fifty-one. I’m in love with you, and not because I chose to be. It’s like the moment I met you, someone flipped a switch and changed everything within me. It just happened. I’d call it destiny, but really? There’s no such thing. I know when we’re together, my mind feels at ease. I’ve spent my entire life frantic, and I didn’t know why. I think I was looking, searching…”

“For?” he asked.

I pushed my feet further under his thigh, “You, I guess. I think I’ve spent my life frantically searching for you.”

“You ever want to get married?” he asked.

Do I ever want to get married?

My mind raced. I would marry Jak in a minute. His question was more rhetoric than anything. He was asking if I believed in marriage. If it was something I’d consider in the future. Marriage, to me, was nothing more than a piece of paper. But I’d be lying if I didn’t admit I’d love to be married to Jak someday. The thought filled me with warmth.

“I’d love to be married someday,” I responded proudly.

Jak looked down into his lap as if embarrassed, “I was married seventeen years ago. For about six months. I was deployed and when I came home she was with another man. I filed for divorce and haven’t been with anyone since.”

I sat up in my seat and smiled, “Not a single relationship? Seventeen years?”

“Not an anything. I haven’t been with a woman from the day I walked out until now. Not one,” he shook his head and sighed.

“Not at all? No blowjobs in Japan or Asian fuck swings in Taiwan?” I laughed.

“No. I’ve been celibate, only masturbation,” he chuckled as he stroked his hand over his crotch jokingly.

No sex? Holy shit. And after seventeen years, he picked me?

Immediately I felt privileged and extremely comfortable with Jak and I being a couple. It wasn’t so much an uncomfortable feeling I felt before, but now I felt as if together we could conquer the world. Over the last month, sex with Jak had become more comfortable for me. Each time we had sex, I became a little more adventurous and less like a little girl who was falling deeper into some fairly tale version of love. Fucking Jak was the icing on the cake of our relationship.

“I have a short term and a long term request,” I smiled as I pulled my feet from under his thigh.

He grinned and nodded once, “Let’s hear it.”

I scooted across the small couch and wrapped my arms around his neck, “Long term? One day I want to be your wife.”

He smiled and kissed my lips lightly, “Great. I want that as well.”

“Short term? This place creeps me out. Let’s walk over to my loft and fuck. I like it when you fuck me,” I batted my eyes and waited for a response.

“I like fucking you,” he smiled.

“Okay, let’s go. I’m ready,” I stood from the couch and grinned, “hopefully your old ass won’t have a heart attack on the way over there.”

He stood from the couch and raised one eyebrow, “Say again? Did you call me old?”

I looked down at his boots smiled. I glanced at my Chuck’s. There was no way he could outrun me in boots. No way. I needed to make a quick exit. I glanced toward the door and made sure I had a clear shot.

“They say the hearing is the first sign of old age,” I paused and grinned.

I cupped my hands around my mouth and screamed, “Hopefully your old ass won’t have a heart attack on the way over there.”

And I took off in a dead run toward the door. Hopefully when he caught me, if he caught me, he’d grudge fuck me and teach me a lesson about respect.

A girl can always reserve hope.
