Page 64 of Karter

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I shook my head and smiled. Teddy leaned onto the counter and looked to his left and then to his right. As he stopped looking around and focused on me, he grinned.

“Wanna hear a story?” he asked.

I nodded eagerly, leaned onto the counter, and shoved the battery cable into my pocket.

“You know Kelli, right?” he tilted his head toward Kelli’s office.

I nodded and smiled.

“She’s fuckin’ preggo,” he smiled.

“Huh? I just saw her a minute ago. She didn’t look it,” I shrugged.

“Well, she’s preggo as a motherfucker. Doc knocked her up on a bet,” he leaned back and slapped the countertop with his open hand.

“On a bet?”

He nodded his head and leaned into the counter again, “Yep. Went to a boxing match in Texas. Doc says, if this sum bitch knocks out the Alabama boy, I’ll give ya a baby. So, the kid knocks out the Alabama boy. And Kelli tosses the birth control in the shit-can. About three weeks, and she’s fuckin’ preggo.”

He raised his hand and snapped his fingers loudly, “Just like that.”

I smiled, “Well, good for her. I’ll congratulate her on the way out.”

Having a baby with Jak would be the best gift I could ever receive. To think of Jak and me raising a child together made me think of the differences between what my mother did and what I would do. My child, if I was ever so lucky to have one, would receive nothing but love and affection. I know Jak well enough to know he’d provide the exact same thing. For a small moment as I stood there, I became jealous of Kelli for being pregnant and me not even being married yet.

“Wait, that ain’t the half of it,” he said as he leaned away from the counter and rubbed his hands together.

I raised my eyebrows in false wonder, “Oh it isn’t?”

“Nope. Guess?” he said as he began to rub his beard.

I shrugged, “Uhhm. I don’t know. Twins?”

“Sum bitch. You guessed it. Damn, you’re good, Karter,” he chuckled.

“Seriously? Twins?” I asked.

“Yep. Boy and a girl. They got one a them whatchamacallit tests. And there’s one a each in there,” he grinned.

I pressed my tongue to the roof of my mouth and wrinkled my nose, “That might be a little tough, going from none to two immediately.”

Teddy shrugged and smiled. All of a sudden I wasn’t so jealous. To think of having two kids at once seemed like more of a hassle than a blessing. Maybe if they were my kids, I’d feel differently. I smiled at the overall thought of children and of Kelli probably being excited about having twins.

“Is that it?” I asked.

“Well,” he rubbed his beard again with both hands.

“Oh, shit. I almost forgot,” I said as I lifted my left hand to the counter.

“Bam!” I shouted as my hand hit the counter.

Teddy jumped backward as if I had actually scared him. As he looked down at my hand, his eyes widened and he grinned.

“Sum bitch girl. From him? The big boy?” he nodded his head toward the showroom.

I smiled, “Yep. I’ll introduce you. He’s thinking about buying the Street Glide.”

“He better buy it,” Teddy said as he leaned away from the counter.
