Page 8 of Karter

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You’re married, aren’t you?

“I’ve been picking through my lettuce for an hour. I really don’t want this to end. I haven’t had this much fun in years. Not to sound like one of life’s inexperienced assholes slinging cliché remarks, but…” he paused and stared into my eyes.

Thank fucking God.

“I’ve never felt such an immediate interest in someone before,” he smiled, revealing his dimples.

I want you to pick me up and hold me off the floor so my legs dangle.

“That’s not too cliché. Kind of, but not bad,” I smiled.

Jesus, Karter. Tell him how you feel.

“Well it’s true. Karter, you interest me. Let’s do this again,” he sighed.

“I want you to pick me up and let my legs dangle.”

“Say again?” his scrunched his brow and looked confused.

Did I actually say that? Like out loud?

I sat and did my best to act like I didn’t hear him.

“Did you say you wanted me to pick you up?” he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and smiled, “Maybe.”

“Well, we’ve made great progress for five hours,” he said as he stood from his seat.

“How so?”

Seeing him stand over me was intimidating and comforting both. He was built like an athlete. Not huge like a pro football player, but extremely muscular and physically fit in appearance. His chest was massive and the muscles in his arms flexed every time he moved them. As he walked around the table I sat and stared.

“Well, five hours ago you told me you were going to beat my ass. Now you want me to pick you up from the floor and let your legs dangle. I’d say that’s pretty good progress. Are you going to stand up?”

I felt hypnotized. I stood from my seat. As he hugged me, he lifted me from my feet with ease. My legs dangling and my feet six inches from the floor, I buried my face against his shoulder and my chest pressed to his. Having known Jak all of five hours, and seeing where my mind had allowed me to comfortably go, I wondered what changes a little more time would bring. I lifted my head from his shoulder and positioned my mouth a few inches from his ear.

“So you want my number?” I whispered.

“Reach into my back pocket and pull out my phone. Type your name and number into it, Karter,” he responded.

I immediately shoved my hand deeply into his pocket.

Yeah, this man is going to be trouble for me.

Big trouble.
