Page 28 of Group Hug

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Once I’ve fed the dogs, Callum sits down to enjoy breakfast with me. We talk about this and that until I ask him, “How’s your job going?”

“It’s great, but it’s not exactly what I want to be doing for the rest of my life.”

“Don’t you enjoy teaching?”

“I do enjoy it, actually. A lot. In fact, I’d love to have my own restaurant where I could combine cooking classes with wonderful meals. That’s a long way off, though, I’m afraid.”

“Hmm. What do you need for it to happen?”

He laughs. “Lots more money than I have now. Or a very flush investor. For now, I still have a lot to learn, and I’m definitely enjoying what I’m doing. I get to come home at night instead of keeping late hours in a regular restaurant setting. That’s the downside to being a chef.”

“What if you were to open a luncheon place that caters mostly to women? Not to be sexist, but you could also appeal to more women who’d like to learn to cook like you. Besides, one look at you, and they’d flock to your place. I mean, some men would also…”

A slow grin appears on Callum’s handsome face. “Are you saying you like the way I look, Petra?” Apparently, we’re done discussing his employment possibilities.

I can feel myself blushing. “You know I do. You and Weston are…” I shiver. “Hot.” I take in his piercing look and blush harder. “But besides how you both look, I also know you are both incredible men.”

“Well, we’reyourincredible men, you should know that.”

“That’s for sure,” I hear from behind me. Weston is walking into the kitchen and apparently heard some of our conversation. “You could say you have us by the balls, Petra.”

That makes me laugh. Then I sober and ask, “So that means we’re all in this and we’re exclusive, right?”

“I… ah… sure hope we are,” Weston assures us as he sits down at the table. “I never in a million years expected any of this to happen, but I love every bit of how this is going with allof us. I see myself falling for both of you more and more every day. I know we’re unconventional, but I don’t care. I feel alive and fulfilled when I’m with you both, and I’ve never felt like this before. Ever.”

Once again, I, the wordsmith, seem to have been topped by my men. I wish I could just spit it out and say what’s in my heart. Why is that so hard for me?

Callum stretches out a hand to the middle of the table and asks, “Petra and Weston, will you be my girlfriend and boyfriend? Exclusively?”

“I sure will,” Weston answers as he grasps Callum’s hand. They look at me.

I reach both hands out, slide one under Callum’s hand on one atop Weston’s, and answer, “You guys are absolutely it for me. Exclusive all the way.” I kiss Weston, who kisses Callum, who kisses me. “Well! I guess it’s official then,” I say with a huge smile.

“Crepes, Weston?” Callum asks hopefully.

“You better say yes,” I say with a chuckle. “They’re amazing.”

“In that case, fill me up,” Weston says.

Callum winks at him and answers, “Oh, I plan to. Over and over.”

I shiver again at the implication. “I’m anxious to see that.”

“Tonight,” Callum promises and gives me a saucy wink too.

Now it’s Weston who’s blushing. I love it.



Callum and Petrahave been pretty busy today, so I spent a lot of time working out in the gym, and then after a shower, I took the dogs for a walk. I wasn’t sure what to expect, given their differences in size and their energy levels, but it worked out when I put Gus and Goliath’s leashes in one hand and Dave’s leash in the other. He bounced around a lot at first, but he calmed down pretty fast.

I got a lot of smiles from passing drivers and had to stop and chat with lots of neighbors who were curious about the dogs, so we didn’t exactly get too far on our walk. It was nice to be outside with them, though. After about twenty minutes, I heard some quick footsteps approaching from behind, and the dogs all whipped around and looked happy with their tails going a mile a minute (except for Dave, of course, who wiggled his butt and hopped up and down). It turned out that Petra and Callum had gotten a little bit of cabin fever and were tired of working, so they decided to go for a run around the neighborhood.

I take in the sight of their lean bodies in running clothes coming toward me. I am the luckiest guy in the world. They are smiling at me as happily as the dogs, and I smile back at them.

“How are you guys all doing?” Petra asks as they get close enough to talk.
