Page 29 of Tipping the Scales

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"I guess that means you're with me." Lucas looks at me with a knowing smile. He is expecting me to lash out because I didn't get to go my way with my girl - I mean with Delaney.

"I think I will go solo. Better odds of getting out if all three paths are explored." I am desperate to get out of this situation and it's a toss up if Lucas will let me without causing a scene.

"You sure you should do that? What if you get lost?"That's my goal Lucas, at least to get lost from you and your dumb questions.

"I grew up doing this maze every year. I'm not too worried." Turning to the left, my eyes lock on the dirt below my feet. It doesn't look very packed, telling me this is the path few people have chosen. That could be a good thing or a bad thing, but either way, it will be better than listening to my brother talk about golf for the foreseeable future.

I don't think my hands have ever been this sweaty. I run them down my jeans for what feels like the thousandth time since I got here. The rest of my family already got their tickets for the maze and are waiting to go in, but I wanted to wait until Delaney arrived to get mine. Plus I wanted to make sure I could buy her ticket. My dad said that would be the gentlemanlything to do. I mowed the lawn twice this week to earn enough for the tickets and the twenty dollar bill in my pocket gives me a feeling of pride.

Every pair of headlights that turns into the Greenway's parking lot makes my heart pound louder in my chest. After our first date to the movies and then hanging out with Delaney and our mutual friends for most of the summer, this is the first time we have been alone together in a while. No one told me that going to the movies is the worst first date ever since you can't actually talk to each other at all.

I can't tell if my stomach is flipping because I am nervous or because I haven't eaten all day. I was afraid I might have to poop once we got into the maze and that would be a terrible memory.

I shift my weight from one foot to the other, my sneakers floating on the densely packed sand of the parking lot. Bright globes approach - and this is it. I wipe my hands against my denim one more time. I begged my parents to leave us alone so we could get to know each other better. At least that's the story I told them, but the truth is I already know the beauty that is Delaney Thorne, I spent the whole summer learning every nuance about her.

How she prefers Red Vines vs Twizzlers.

Even though the majority of our school is hooked on coffee, she prefers tea.

And that she can't look me in the eye when I tell her that she's beautiful.

Delaney pops out of the backseat with a smile so bright it lights up the night.The rubber soles of her tennis shoes hit the dirt with a crumple and my eyes move up her body slowly, committing every part of this to memory. When I tell the story of this moment to our grandkids, I want to remember every tiny detail. The way her jeans kiss the tops of her shoes. The way her mustard yellow shirt is tucked into the waistband just enough that I see her pockets. The way her gray cardigan hangs overher shoulders. The way her lips are a deeper shade of red than normal and her hair is piled high on her head.

Summer Delaney was beautiful with her golden skin and infectious glowing smile. But Delaney in autumn is even more breathtaking with the way she looks like she needs to be cuddled under a blanket next to a fire.

"Hey you." She comes to meet me, standing far enough away for parental approval.

"If I hug you, will your dad jump out with a shotgun or something?"

She shakes her head and casts her eyes toward our feet. After a summer of being together almost daily, it amazes me that she is still shy around me. It's also freaking adorable. I slide my arms around her waist, her arms coming up and draping over my shoulders. We are close to the same height, but I have two inches on her. A soft smell of flowers drifts from her hair and it's so typical of Delaney to still smell like sunshine when there are only stars in the sky.

I don't want to pull apart, but I know I am tempting the devil with her father not too far away. "You look gorgeous," I whisper against her head just loud enough for her to hear. She tightens her grip on me for a moment in a silent appreciation for my sentiment. Instinctively, I do the same, pulling her midsection as tight against my body as I can without hurting her. I instantly regret it because being this close to her - and for as long as we have been hugging now - my pants are getting the wrong idea.

We part before my erection reaches full mast and I am able to get it under control. As we walk towards the farm stand to get our tickets, I slide my fingers into hers, sharing my warmth with her.

"Two please," I tellMrs. Greenway.

"Here you go, have fun you two." Her face lights up knowing that our romantic relationship is new and sprung from our summer together, at least half of our days spent visiting the farm stand. Mrs. Greenway refuses my money and I make a mental note to get something from the store before we leave to make up for it.

I fumble with my wallet, doing my best to keep Delaney's hand in mine and only using one hand to shove the leather back into my pocket. Our hands are warm together and even though my hands were sweaty as hell before she got her, now they are dry - the nerves floating away the longer she is around.

"Have you ever done the maze before?" she asks as we wait in line to go in.

"No, this is my first one." I wish I could lie and tell her that I have done this before, and I'm not internally freaking out that we will get lost and someone will have to come rescue us. The same could be said for this date, though I can't imagine a world where I would want to be rescued from Delaney. Spending time with her is a rescue in itself.

"Don't worry, I will keep you safe. It's not too scary, plus I know all the tactics they use so I am prepared." She looks up at me with what can only be described as magic in her eyes, as if they can read my thoughts and ease my worry at the same time. I want to kiss her and add another first to this night. Would it be her first kiss, too? It's not something we have talked about but now I can't help but wonder.

We enter the maze, the stalks of corn towering over me and casting creepy shadows on the ground. The only thing keeping me from freaking out is Delaney's soft hand in mine, her thumb randomly rubbing in a comforting rhythm.

There's a forkin the path and the people in front of us don't hesitate as they swerve right, laughing and almost tripping over their feet.

"Which way should we go?" What I'm really asking is if we should follow the others or go our own way.

"Left. Going right is so predictable, don't you think?"

I can't argue with that logic I suppose. We move to the left and it instantly gets quiet, the stalks acting as a sound barrier. It feels as if we are the only ones who have chosen to go this way and I hold her hand tighter. Our feet crunch quietly on the leaves, my ears constantly listening for other steps around us. There are none. That is the only sound we hear and then we are at a dead end, no other way to go except the one we came from.

"Shit." I turn to lead her back towards the entrance, feeling uneasy about the decision to leave the rest of the patrons behind. My heart starts to race at the very real possibility that we are now lost in here.
