Page 14 of Upon a Dream

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Tristan took in a breath as he steeled himself to request the favor he had no right to ask. “Our new soldiers are common men from the villages, they’re unskilled. They will not last two days on the battlefield.” Tristan gave Ella another nervous glance. “If we don’t put a stop to his army, he will kill them all.”

The words seemed to strike Ella like a blow to the gut. She held her bump with both hands and blinked the glistening tears from her eyes. She and Killian held eye contact for several heartbeats, and Tristan wondered if they were having a secret conversation.

“What exactly are you asking me?” Killian asked Tristan, although his eyes never left Ella’s.

Tristan cleared his throat and leaned forward. “I need you to train those men and lead them into battle. If you do this for me, I will gladly give you any form of payment you wish. But if you don’t, Midas will win. Then it will only be a matter of time before he moves to attack a different kingdom.”

Killian tore his gaze from Ella, who sank in her seat. “What kingdom?” Killian asked.

“I have heard rumors that he has set eyes on the Chanted Forest,” Tristan went on. “Snow is a new queen, and Midas will not hesitate to take advantage of that.”

Killian slammed his fist on the table. “Over my dead body will that maniac overtake my home.”

Ella began to cry. “Why would you say such a thing?”

Killian’s hard expression softened, and he reached for his wife. “Don’t cry, love. Nothing will happen to me.”

“You don’t know that!” She shoved him away, then turned her red eyes toward Tristan. “I’m sorry, Tristan, but he will not be going into battle.”


“No, Killian! You are not immortal anymore!” She turned to face him with a glare, but as their eyes met, her shoulders slumped and she began to sob. “If anything happens to you, Hades will have your soul. Did you forget that?”

“No, I didn’t forget that, sweetheart.” Killian wrapped her in a tender embrace. “But if I can help stop him before he even thinks to come into our kingdom, then I’ll know that you and our baby will be safe. That will always come first.”

He held her for as long as she sobbed, then he leaned down and whispered in her ear. She pulled back, suppressing a hint of a smile then wiped her tears.

“Okay, then.” Giving Tristan a bashful glance, she offered a slight bow of her head. “If you’ll excuse me.”

Killian’s eyes sparkled as he watched her go. Like a man deeply in love. Tristan felt a pang of jealousy at the possibility he might never find such love.

“I’m sorry for causing so much trouble,” Tristan said.

“She’s just been extra emotional since the pregnancy.” Killian reached for two beers and placed one in front of Tristan. “Feelings aside, she knows it’s the right thing to do. She’ll come around. We’ll help you.”

“I cannot thank you enough,” Tristan added.

“I will need a few guards to stay with Ella while I’m gone,” Killian replied. “I cannot leave her here by herself. Unprotected.”

“She’s welcome to stay at my castle,” Tristan offered, hoping he wouldn’t have to lose more skilled men.

“She will not want to stay in your castle. Too many bad memories,” Killian said. “Perhaps one or two trustworthy guards would be enough.”

Tristan nodded. “In case you change your mind, I have a cottage by the lake. It’s on castle grounds but isolated. If Ella decides to join you, I’ll make sure to have guards nearby at all times. You’re both welcome to stay there for as long as you like.”

A hint of a smile tugged at the corner of Killian’s lips, and he cocked his head. “I’m starting to see why Ella fought so hard for me not to kill you.”

Tristan lowered his eyes, ashamed of his past actions. “Ella has always seen the good in people. She has a kind heart.”

“Yes,” Killian agreed, taking a swing of his drink. “Her heart is indeed one of a kind.”

“I wish I had half of her fighting spirit,” Tristan admitted, gulping his drink and feeling the fizz tickle down his throat. “It would make me a much better king.”

Killian narrowed his eyes, studying Tristan for several breaths. “It’s not the weight of the crown that’s the problem. It’s your conscience. I may not be able to smell the scent of guilt anymore, but it doesn’t take special abilities to see that it’s done a number on you.”

Tristan’s heart felt like an anvil in his chest. “How does one get rid of it?”

“Let it go,” Killian said simply. “If you can’t change it or control it, let it go.”

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