Page 39 of Upon a Dream

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“Given what happened to my brother, I didn’t believe it would be wise to disclose that I am related to the most despised man alive,” she explained. “I also feared that if you didn’t find your leverage within that tower, you would end up using me instead.”

Tristan narrowed his eyes. “Did you truly think I would stoop to such actions?”

“A king’s duty is to his kingdom above all else,” she said, remembering her father’s words. “There are times when one must make sacrifices, even if it means sacrificing one innocent life to save the lives of many. It doesn’t necessarily make him a bad person, but rather a strong ruler.”

“Well, that is not the kind of king I aspire to be,” he said.

A gentle smile played on Aurora’s lips. “I know that now.”

“You do?” Tristan’s voice carried a hint of surprise.

“I don’t trust easily,” she confessed, her words spoken with raw honesty. “But the Dreamworld doesn’t lie. It reflects the true essence of a person, and I see the goodness in you.”

Tristan’s eyes bore into hers, his gaze searching for truth within the intricate web of emotions between them. “I’m glad you trust me, but can I trustyou?” he asked.

Aurora nodded. “With your life.”

She then watched as Tristan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small parchment. Her eyes widened. “Is that...?” she trailed off, her voice filled with hope.

“Millie gave it to me while you were trapped in the net,” he explained. “She made me promise not to say anything until the end of the dinner.”

Aurora couldn’t blame him for not having told her. She hadn’t been honest with him either.

“So, now what?” Tristan asked curiously.

Aurora took the parchment and carefully unrolled it. The page was blank.

Tristan leaned closer to get a better look at the paper. He scowled. “That fairy deceived us!”

“No, she didn't,” Aurora responded, her voice calm and assured. “The message is hidden.”

With that, she stood and dropped to her knees by the fire. She held the paper over the flickering flames of her fireplace, watching as the edges turned black, revealing the hidden words written in a fiery red glow. The lines formed a poem.

With venom’s kiss and golden hum,

Scorpions guard while bees gently strum.

For dreams within dreams, a puzzle concealed,

Unlocking secrets yet to be revealed.

With pincers poised and tails upright,

A cryptic secret it keeps from sight.

In scorpion’s realm, and buzzing bee,

Unlock the riddle, and set it free.

Aurora stared at the poem, her mind stumped with its cryptic message.

Tristan crouched next to her. “What does it mean?” he asked.

“I’m not sure,” she admitted, tapping a finger to her lips. “But perhaps we can make more sense of its meaning once we return it to the tower.”

Tristan’s eyes lowered to his intertwined fingers. “I will not be accompanying you this time,” he said, his words carrying a weight of responsibility. “There is a ball I must attend tonight.”

“What kind of ball?” Aurora couldn’t help her curiosity.
