Page 42 of Upon a Dream

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Aurora waved off his offer, her cheeks turning even redder. “Oh, no,” she protested, shaking her head. “You have a real ball to attend. I couldn't possibly—”

“It won’t take long,” he insisted. “Indulge me.”

His words tugged at her heartstrings, stirring a newfound sense of hope within her. With a deep breath, she finally relented, her gaze meeting his with eager anticipation. “All right,” she conceded, dismounting Midnight.

Tristan motioned toward the ballroom, and to Aurora’s astonishment, the double doors swung open, revealing a room bathed in a soft, enchanting light. The air seemed to shimmer with anticipation as the strains of music filled the space. Aurora’s eyes widened, captivated by the beauty that unfolded before her.

She took a step forward, but then stopped, her mind whirling. “Wait. What am I doing?” she muttered to herself. “I’m not even dressed…”

Tristan took her hand in his, and in an instant, Aurora found herself swathed in a breathtaking pink and blue ball gown. The fabric caressed her skin, its elegance and grace enveloping her like a second skin. She glanced up at Tristan, her eyes sparkling with wonder.

“How did you…?”

“It’s my illusion,” he explained. “Come on. Just one dance.”

Aurora’s heart swelled as she allowed Tristan to guide her into the ballroom. The room, though empty, seemed to come alive with the flickering candlelight and the soft strains of music. The dance floor awaited them, a blank canvas on which their footsteps would paint an ephemeral masterpiece.

Hand in hand, they began to sway to the enchanting melody, their movements harmonizing with the rhythm of their shared dream. They twirled and spun, lost in the magic of the moment. The absence of other guests felt like a blessing, for in that realm of illusions, being by themselves ensured their safety.

For a fleeting instant, Aurora allowed herself to forget the impossibility of it all, as well as the dangers that lurked outside those ballroom doors. Instead, she reveled in the warmth of Tristan’s touch and the genuine joy radiating from his eyes.

With a tender smile, he leaned in, his voice barely above a whisper. “You look absolutely breathtaking.”

“Have you danced with many women tonight?” Aurora asked.

Tristan’s eyes held hers, their gazes locked in a dance of their own. “A few,” he admitted.

“And... have you found a wife yet?”

“Not yet.” Tristan’s grip tightened around her waist, his gaze unwavering. “But the night isn’t over.”

Aurora’s breath caught in her throat. Her heart longed to hear his declaration, to feel the weight of his intentions. But reality set in, a reminder that their connection existed only within the realm of dreams—a fleeting and fragile illusion.

She cleared her throat, her voice trembling as she continued, “Then, why did you come here tonight?”

“I have danced with many women, but none of them felt right,” he admitted, his words making her feel like she was levitating and dancing on air. “Besides, I couldn’t get you out of my mind.”

Aurora’s heart soared, her emotions swirling with joy. But she knew the boundaries and limitations that confined them. And that wasn’t going to change with one dance. Especially since their connection could never extend beyond the Dreamworld. He shouldn’t have come.

Struggling to find the right words, Aurora began, “Tristan—”

“What I meant was... I couldn’t stop thinking about the poem and riddle,” he clarified. “After all, the answers we need are inside that tower, right?”

Aurora knew the unspoken truth in his words, but she chose not to confront it. Not in that moment, where their dance held a semblance of the magic of stolen time. She didn’t want to tarnish the beauty they had found in each other’s arms.

Though a part of her reveled in the knowledge that he had not found a spark in the arms of the women at the ball, another part tugged at her conscience. She couldn’t give him anything real, anything tangible. The weight of guilt pressed on her, threatening to extinguish the joy she felt in that dreamlike state.

Aurora’s frown deepened, her steps faltering as the music played on.

Tristan sensed her distress. “Are you all right?” he asked.

As the final notes of the music faded into the air, they came to a gentle stop, their breaths mingling with the lingering magic of the ballroom. Then silence enveloped them.

“Thank you for the lovely dance,” she said softly. “And for giving me a taste of a dream I thought was lost.”

“Did I do something wrong?” he asked.

Torn between her desires and the nagging reality that loomed over them, Aurora met his concerned gaze. “You need to go back. You shouldn’t waste time dancing in a dream when your true love could be back at that ball. In reality.”

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