Page 53 of Upon a Dream

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“I need to make a list.” As Millie delved into the contents of her bag, her attention shifted to the practicalities of their escape plan. Meanwhile, uncertainty flooded Aurora’s senses.

Could it be true? Could there truly be a way for her to escape the Dreamworld’s clutches and return to the real world?

Tristan touched her shoulder. “You hear that?” he said softly. “There’s a chance you’ll be getting out of here.”

Aurora nodded, but she couldn’t help the twinge of doubt that gripped her. What if this was just another illusion, another layer of deception that the Dreamworld was known for? She didn’t trust it.

“I know that look. And no.” Tristan’s voice grew firm. “We are not going to be pessimistic.” He lifted her chin until her gaze met his unwavering eyes. “You are getting out of here. I will make sure of that.”

Aurora forced a smile just for him. “Perhaps it’s best that we focus on more certain things.”

“Like what?” he asked.

Aurora’s thoughts shifted to the golden plate she had found at the tower. She reached into her satchel and retrieved it, her fingers curling around its cool surface. With a purposeful stride, she approached the fire, turning the plate in her hands until the engraved writings caught the light. Her gaze was then drawn to Hendrick’s name etched into the gold.

But then, she turned the plate around, revealing Tristan’s name. She held the plate above the fire, the flames casting flickering shadows that danced across the engraving. And just as the fire’s warmth licked at the golden plate, the script on the plate began to emerge, etchings unfolding like a scroll.

Amidst the petals, the bees find their way,

Collecting the nectar for honey’s bouquet.

A dance of cooperation, a rhythm divine,

A partnership forged in nature’s design.

Aurora’s fingers brushed the engraved lines as if she could unravel their secrets with her touch alone.

“What is it?” Millie’s voice cut through the quiet.

Aurora glanced at Tristan, then at Millie, her brows furrowing. “Another blazing riddle.”


Tristan and Aurora stood outside, hand-in-hand, exposed to the elements. The cliff’s edge was a jagged line against the horizon and the vast expanse of the sea below churned with waves that crashed against the rocks.

The wind howled, whipping back their hair and clothes, but nothing could compare to the storm swirling inside of Tristan as he clutched Aurora’s hand. Above them, the sky was a canvas of dark purples and reds, the moon slowly moving to obscure the sun, signaling the nearing eclipse. He was torn between the drive to stay and protect her, and the task he was planning to do.

Aurora’s eyes, usually so bright and full of life, were clouded with worry. “Are you sure you’re okay with this plan?” she asked, her low voice barely audible over the roar of the wind.

For a moment, Tristan’s insides knotted with concern. But he shook away his worries, shifting Millie’s bag on his shoulder and turning to Aurora.

He reached out, cupping her face. Her skin burned against his cool fingertips. “If this plan works, I’ll be able to wake you up. We’ll be together, in the real world, Aurora. The thought of that... it’s worth any risk.”

He spoke the words, unsure if they were for her benefit or his own. It felt unnatural to be parted from her, and if things went wrong, he’d never see her again. The very thought sent his heart plummeting.

Aurora glanced over her shoulder, apparently ensuring Millie was out of earshot before slipping the venom vial into Tristan’s hand. The small glass container felt heavy. “Just in case it doesn’t work,” she whispered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. “Save your kingdom and free the women.”

Tristan gripped the vial tightly until his knuckles ached. “It will work,” he insisted. “And when it does, I’ll free you, and if you’ll have me, I’ll make you my queen. This isn’t just a dream anymore.” He caressed her cheek, his heart warming at the thought of their happy ending, which was almost in sight.

But a shadow crossed Aurora’s face as she bit her lip. “About that... there’s something I haven’t told you.”

Tristan’s heart skipped a beat. “What is it?”

She looked down, her fingers playing with the folds of her dress.

“Hey,” he whispered, lifting her chin gently, forcing her to meet his gaze. “You can tell me anything.”

But before she could speak, the distant sound of the bell tower echoed, its chimes resonating with an eerie finality. They both turned to the sky, watching as the eclipse began.
