Page 56 of Upon a Dream

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Aurora sat perched on the edge of the cliff, her legs swaying over the abyss as the golden hues of the setting sun bathed the landscape in a warm embrace. Aurora smiled as she watched the sun set. Tristan wasn’t there, and yet the sun hadn’t gone away. For the first time in what felt like forever, the world was bright, and it reflected her own hope. Real, genuine hope.

As the sun descended, its brilliance painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, Aurora’s heart swelled. She marveled at the symbolism of this moment, a testament to the light Tristan had brought into her life. He was her beacon, dispelling the darkness that had lingered for far too long. With a soft smile, she closed her eyes, allowing her thoughts to be consumed by images of him.

“The sun is out and Tristan isn’t here,” Millie’s voice interrupted Aurora’s reverie as she settled down beside her. “Someone’s feeling hopeful again. That’s nice to see.”

Aurora’s smile remained, her eyes still closed. “It’s amazing how he makes everything brighter, even when he’s not around.”

“I never thought I would see you in love again,” Millie said, her tone gentle.

Aurora’s smile faded slightly as doubt crept in. She opened her eyes, her gaze fixed on the horizon. “Do you really think this plan will work?”

Millie turned to her with a knowing smile. “If you’re asking me if I think he’s genuinely in love with you, the answer is a resounding yes. But the better question is... are you?”

Aurora’s heart clenched, a swirl of emotions cascading through her. “It’s more than love,” she admitted, her voice barely a whisper. “He lights up my soul in a way I never thought possible.”

Millie’s words were like a soothing balm. “Then it will work.”

As the sun dipped farther, casting longer shadows across the landscape, Aurora’s thoughts turned dark. “Am I a terrible person for leading him to believe that we can be together?” she asked, her voice tinged with guilt.

Millie regarded her thoughtfully. “Why wouldn’t you be together?”

Aurora’s gaze remained fixed on the horizon, regret and uncertainty weighing on her heart. “I haven’t been completely honest with him about Hendrick.”

Millie's voice was gentle but direct. “Do you think it would’ve changed anything if you had told him?”

“Not for me, but for him... I don’t know.”

Millie leaned in. “If he truly loves you, he should want to save you regardless of whether or not he can be with you.”

A soft breeze ruffled Aurora’s hair. “I still think I should’ve told him.”

Millie’s gaze held a comforting certainty. “I think he’ll understand. So much of what has happened to you has been out of your control. He should at least understand that.”

“I hope you’re right—” Aurora’s breath caught in her throat as her chest began to tighten. Then, like a bolt of lightning, panic surged through Aurora’s veins, gripping her like icy fingers. She clutched onto Millie as her world narrowed to a terrifying point. Everything around her began to spin, the edges of her vision blurred as her breath quickened.

“Wh–what is happening?” Aurora choked.

Millie’s eyes widened in understanding. “It’s working, Aurora! You’re waking up!”

Aurora gasped for air, her chest tightening as if an invisible hand were squeezing her heart. She clung to Millie as her consciousness teetered on the precipice of reality.

“Go get us out of here,” Millie managed to whisper before Aurora’s vision spiraled into darkness.

The world spun, unraveling the threads of Aurora’s dreams. As the darkness encroached, Aurora’s grip on the Dreamworld slipped.

Her eyes fluttered open, and Tristan’s worried expression greeted her. As recognition dawned, his features eased.

“It worked…” he breathed, a relieved smile stretching his lips.

Aurora propped herself up, the sense of disorientation slowly receding. Her gaze swept the room, and there, by the fireplace, stood a man lost in thought, his contemplative gaze fixed on the dancing flames. The familiarity of the scene clawed at the edges of Aurora’s memory.

“Father?” The word escaped her lips as memories surged, unraveling the threads of her fragmented reality. The scene before her seemed so familiar, and yet so distant.

Midas turned, his gaze icy and piercing, a stark reminder of the dark chapters of her past. “Foolish child,” his voice dripped with disdain. “You almost cost me everything.”

His words hung heavy in the air, a reminder of the years Aurora had spent under his control, enduring his cruelty after her mother’s death. The pain he had inflicted on her was an old wound that never truly healed.
