Page 72 of Upon a Dream

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She then swiftly changed gears, her tone firm, a commander ready to lead her troop. “My father’s alliance ceremony has been delayed. We must use this time to escape.”

Their eyes widened in surprise as Aurora produced a handful of jewelry, dividing it among the women. The jewels sparkled, each one carrying a promise of a new beginning.

“Take these. In case we get separated, we all have a way to get as far north as possible.”

“Where will we go?” one of the women asked.

Aurora dug into her satchel again and pulled out a parchment. “This is a map of where we’ll be going. I marked the location in case we get separated along the way.”

Guiding the women toward her closet, she pushed against the back wall. The stone slid open to reveal a secret opening. “These steps will lead to the tunnels,” Aurora explained.

“What about the guards down there?” Talia asked.

“You leave the guards to me,” Aurora said, handing the map to Talia. “Take this. Lead them safely, and I will meet you all by the stables.”

Talia accepted the map with a hesitant nod. “Will you not be coming with us?”

“In order to clear your way, I’ll need to create a diversion,” Aurora explained. “But don’t worry. I’ll be right behind you. Now, go!”

Reluctantly, Talia nodded, and the women began their descent into the hidden pathways. Once they disappeared into the secret opening, Aurora closed the secret door to ensure the passage wouldn’t be found. She then returned to the window to check on the guards.

A glimmer of gold shimmering with the reflection of the moonlight caught Aurora’s eyes. She blinked several times, wondering why a kaleidoscope of colors surrounded Midnight’s statue.

A gasp escaped her as she watched the golden coat that had bound Midnight for so long begin to break, releasing him. The golden veneer that had him encased was fading fast.

Aurora’s heart quickened, her breath catching in her throat as she watched in astonishment. The gold was receding, giving way to Midnight’s original form. The shock of it had Aurora hypnotized, her mind grappling to make sense of what was happening.

“You did it!” A melodious voice rang through the room, a voice both familiar and unexpected.

Aurora spun around, her eyes widening in disbelief as she beheld Millie standing at the center of the room. The shock of Millie’s presence jolted through Aurora like an electric current.

Millie rushed into Aurora’s arms, enveloping her in a tight embrace. Aurora returned the hug with a mixture of confusion and joy, her mind racing to process the impossible reality before her.

“I can’t believe you did it!” Millie’s voice was filled with awe and excitement.

Confusion gripped Aurora. She hadn’t done anything; the vial of venom was destroyed by her father. “I didn't…” she stammered, struggling to believe her eyes. “How did you…?”

Millie pulled back, her eyes searching Aurora’s face. “How did I what?”

Aurora’s thoughts churned, attempting to make sense of the situation, to bridge the gap between the reality she knew and the reality that was unraveling before her.

“I didn’t…” Aurora’s words trailed off, her eyes narrowing as she struggled to find the right words. “We didn’t…”

Millie’s expectant expression mirrored Aurora’s confusion. “Where’s Tristan? And your father?”

“They’re at Tristan’s coronation—” The realization hit Aurora like a physical blow, suddenly dispelling the fog of uncertainty that had clouded her thoughts. The blood in her veins turned to ice. The fear that had been lurking beneath the surface now surged to the forefront of her thoughts.

“Something must’ve gone wrong…” Aurora’s voice trembled as she sank onto the windowsill.

“What do you mean?” Millie’s concern deepened as she sat next to Aurora.

Aurora stared blindly across the room. “I don’t know.”

“Then we need to get on a horse and go see him at once,” Millie insisted, rising to her feet, her hand gesturing urgently toward the door. “What are you waiting for?”

Aurora looked up at Millie, her eyes filling with tears. “I can’t go…” she said with trembling lips. “Rumple has me under compulsion. Unless he releases me, I can’t ever return to Tristan.”

Burying her face in her hands, Aurora began to sob, utterly gutted. Her tears slid down her face like a burst dam. Her insides contorted with pain as she cried into her palms.

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