Page 14 of When You Say I Do

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The evening air is crisp as I prepare for dinner with William.

I'm a bundle of nerves, fussing over my outfit, my hair, my everything.

The sound of my phone ringing breaks through my anxious reverie. It's Sasha.

"I have a date with William tonight," I blurt out as soon as I answer, my voice a cocktail of excitement and nerves.

"No way! That's amazing, Em!" Sasha's enthusiasm is infectious, even through the phone. "He must really like you."

I pace around, phone pressed to my ear. "I'm a mess, Sasha. What if I say something stupid? Or spill something on him?"

Sasha laughs. "Just be yourself, Em. He's clearly into you. And remember, you've got a whole fake identity to maintain. No pressure!"

I can't help but laugh at her attempt to lighten the mood. "Thanks for the pep talk," I say, my nerves easing slightly.

"Just remember, Emily, keep William sweet. Grandma will be back soon enough, and we need him happy and charmed."

I sigh, half out of amusement, half out of anxiety. "No small task, keeping a man like William sweet. He's not exactly your average Joe."

Sasha's laughter rings through the phone. "Come on, Em. You've got this. You're smart, funny, and hey, you've convinced him you're the Art Queen's granddaughter. That's no small feat."

I twirl a strand of hair around my finger, pondering her words. "I just hope I can keep up the act."

"You're a natural," Sasha insists. "Just throw in some art lingo, bat those pretty eyes of yours, and he'll be eating out of your hand."

I can't help but chuckle at her depiction. "I'll do my best. Maybe I should start practicing my mysterious, enigmatic look."

"There you go!" Sasha exclaims. "Channel your inner Mona Lisa. And hey, if all else fails, just distract him with your charm and wit."

"Or run for the hills," I joke.

"No hills running," Sasha chides. "Keep him interested, Em. It's crucial for Grandma's art deal. Plus, who knows, you might actually enjoy yourself."

As William and I step outside, Evan pulls up to the curb, his role as our driver resumed. The look on William's face is a mix of amusement and surprise as he recognizes my brother.

"It's you again!" William exclaims with a playful tone. "Any more town stories for me this time?"

Evan glances at me, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, but his smile is as polished as a salesman's. "Just one," he says, leaning into his role. "You see, it's my aunt and uncle's wedding anniversary tonight, and all of the family are going to be there... at the same place you're dining tonight."

I let out an involuntary squeaked, "Oh!" I'm not sure if it's more of a shock or a plea for help.

William, ever the gentleman, makes a polite comment. "That sounds like a wonderful family gathering. It's nice to have such occasions to look forward to."

As we drive to the restaurant, I'm unusually quiet, my mind racing with the impending complications of avoiding my family and enjoying my evening with William.

The restaurant is quaint and cozy, nestled in the heart of the small town. It's the kind of place that's brimming with charm and character, its walls adorned with vintage decorations and soft, warm lighting that creates an inviting atmosphere.

The air is filled with the aroma of home-cooked meals, and a gentle buzz of conversation provides a comforting background hum.

We're led to a small table near the window, the perfect spot for an intimate dinner. But my attention is divided, my eyes darting around the room, scanning for familiar faces.

The weight of the evening ahead sits heavy on my shoulders, and I can feel William's gaze on me, his curiosity piqued by my sudden change in demeanor.

“I see they’ve taken the crab fries off the menu,” William says, winking at me.

I let out a nervous laugh, glancing at the big table across the other side of the room, bursting with my family members. “Well, it’s a small town. One rumor of food poisoning can shut a place down…” I say, turning back to him.

I down a glass of water while William takes his time looking at the menu.

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