Page 21 of When You Say I Do

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I can feel the warmth of his breath, the magnetic pull drawing us closer. My heart pounds in my chest, a mix of excitement and nerves.

Just as our lips are about to meet, a cacophony of voices and the rustling of leaves shatter the silence.

We pull back abruptly, turning toward the source of the commotion.

A troop of boy scouts bursts into the clearing, their chatter and laughter filling the space that moments ago had been reserved for our almost-kiss.

"The compass says this way is north, but…" a young boy with a mop of blonde hair and a pair of knobby knees trails off. He stares at me and William with a clipboard in one hand and a pen in the other.

One of the scouts, a freckle-faced kid with untied shoelaces, points excitedly. "Look, people!"

The rest of the troop turns to us, a chorus of "Hi!" and "What are you doing here?" raining down upon us.

William and I exchange bemused glances. "We were just enjoying the... scenery," William explains, a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Are you on a date?" another scout asks with an air of innocence. “Are you gonna ask her to marry you?”

My cheeks flush a brighter shade of red, and I stammer, "We're just... um, friends."

Suddenly, there’s a rustle of leaves and approaching footsteps. “Troop! What is the hold up? We’ve got badges to earn…”

As the leader of Boy Scouts enters the clearing, I'm struck by a pang of recognition at a frizzy mess of red hair.

The leader is none other than Jake Turner, someone I went to school with, known for his brash demeanor and lack of a filter.

Dang. This means trouble.

His beady eyes dance, then his gaze settles on me before flitting to William for a moment. His bushy brows lift.

"Emily? Emily Barnes? Is that you?" Jake exclaims, a smirk spreading across his face. "Wow, look at you out here. Still trying to be the outdoorsy type, huh?"

William and I exchange a glance, and I offer a tight-lipped smile. "Hi, Jake. Just enjoying a day out."

On the outside, I’m as serene as a Japanese garden, but on the inside, I’m having one million panic attacks.

Okay, Emily. Relax. There’s no reason Jake could ever know that you’re lying to William.

Thank goodness I told him my true name. At least that avoids an awkward conversation.

Jake leans against a tree, his smirk widening. "I remember you from school. Always with paint on your hands…do you still make those creepy pictures? Never thought I'd see you on a date, especially with a guy who isn’t a total psychopath."

His tone takes on a teasing edge, but there's something in his words, a hint of condescension that makes me uncomfortable.

Before I can respond, Jake fires off another comment, this one is aimed at William.

“Don’t get your hopes up, bro. Last I heard, she’s a lousy kisser and even worse in…”

"That's enough," William barks.

Jake chuckles, undeterred. "Oh, come on, I'm just having a bit of fun. Besides, I find it hard to believe a guy like you could settle for this piece of—"

Without warning, William's fist connects with Jake's face.

Jake stumbles back, shock and anger flashing in his eyes.

There’s a collective gasp, while I stand frozen, too stunned to move.

The scouts, witnessing the altercation, aim their slingshots at William, their youthful faces a mix of confusion and protectiveness.
