Page 24 of When You Say I Do

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My love life seems to be a series of romantic missteps, akin to a Bridget Jones montage, minus the endearing British accent.

I think about William's near kiss in the woods today, and the zing I felt sitting on the couch with him by the fire.

His soothing masculine scent was more intoxicating than a shot of vodka. And the warmth of his body so close to mine had me melting.

If I hadn’t chickened out of it, I think it would have been the kind of kiss worth waiting for.


Pacing back and forth in my room, the clock ticking away the late hours, I find myself caught in a tumult of thoughts.

The events of the evening replay in my mind, especially the moment by the fire – so close to a kiss, so close to crossing a line I've been cautiously toeing since meeting Emily.

I should be getting some rest, preparing for the Art Queen's arrival tomorrow.

Yet, all I can think about is Emily – her laughter, her nervousness, the way she looked in the firelight.

Her soulful eyes glowed at me, speaking to my soul. And it took all of my resolve not to reach out and caress her cheek.

This was supposed to be a business trip and a momentary escape from my father.

But I couldn’t care less about meeting the Art Queen, and I want this short trip to turn into something more long-term.

After I meet with Emily’s grandmother, I will return to London, but I’d like to go back to my father with Emily on my arm and squash any dream of his regarding me and Madeline Lonelle.

My father's stern voice echoes in my head, admonishing me to forget this distraction and return home. "Focus on what's important, William. Don't let a fleeting fancy derail your responsibilities."

In his eyes, getting involved with Emily would be putting the family business at risk.

After all, if I don’t marry Madeline, how else will our company expand into Europe?

But then, there's another voice, softer, more intuitive – my mother's. "Follow your heart, William. You deserve to experience true love."

I stop pacing, standing still in the quiet of my room.

I like Emily, more than I've allowed myself to admit. This could be my only chance to explore what's brewing between us, to see if this connection is real or just a product of circumstance.

Before I can second-guess myself, I decide to go to her. I need to know if she feels this too, if there's a possibility for something more.

I step out of my room, my heart racing with a mixture of excitement and apprehension.

As I turn the corner in the hallway, I almost bump into Emily, who’s standing there as if she’s been wrestling with a similar decision.

"What are you doing?” we ask simultaneously, our voices a mix of surprise and curiosity.

There’s a moment of awkward silence as we both take in the serendipity of the encounter.

Emily looks as conflicted as I feel, her eyes searching mine for an answer.

"I couldn't sleep," I finally say, trying to gauge her reaction.

"Me neither," she replies, a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.

We stand there in the dimly lit hallway, the tension and anticipation palpable between us.

It feels like a pivotal moment, one that could change everything or nothing at all.

"Emily," I begin, my voice barely above a whisper, "about earlier by the fire..."

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