Page 28 of When You Say I Do

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My cheeks flush at the question. “No.”

William’s face breaks into a broad smile, and he walks over to me, planting his big hands on my waist. “Good, I have no regrets either,” he murmurs before he plants a soft kiss on my mouth. “In fact, I was rather hoping for an encore.”

He nuzzles my neck and roams his hands up and down my back in the most delicious way.

The knots in my body loosen under his touch.

I inhale his scent and shut my eyes.

Why does he have to smell so good?

Why does he make mefeelso good?

Lying to him is torturous, but I cling to my promise to Sasha. I just have to keep lying for a little longer.

But there’s one hard truth I do need to tell, and I need to rip the band-aid off.

"I need to talk to you about the Art Queen," I say, meeting his gaze. "There's been a change of plan."

He frowns, a hint of concern in his eyes. "What kind of change?"

I hesitate, the words heavy on my tongue. "She can’t travel to meet us here. Her health has declined, at her age... it's not feasible right now. But there's an opportunity to meet her in London at a charity event. The Potter’s gala on Trafalgar square. Do you know it?"

William nods. “My father and I are booked to attend,” he said, looking thoughtful at the floor, like there’s something very interesting written by my feet.

William's expression shifts from concern to understanding. He nods, slowly. "That’s unfortunate about your grandmother, but these things happen."

I’m relieved by his response but still feel the weight of my ongoing deceit. "I'm so sorry, William. I know how important this was to you, and I didn’t mean to mess you around like this."

He steps closer, his gaze softening. "Emily, it's not your fault. These things are out of our control."

I cringe. “It’s all my fault. I brought you here for nothing, it’s just been a big waste of time.”

William gives me a strange smile that I can’t quite read. He takes my hand. “I wouldn’t call it a waste of time.”

The air between us is thick with unspoken words, a dance of truth and pretense.

I want to tell him everything, to confess the tangled web I've woven, but Sasha's plea echoes in my mind, holding me back.

"Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" I ask, desperate to ease the tension.

William considers for a moment, then a small smile plays on his lips. "Well, since we're both here, maybe we could spend a little more time together?"

The thought of spending more time alone with William makes me giddy. I grin. “What do you have in mind?”


Shadows of the tall trees dance across the wall as the sunshine beams through the open blinds of my room.

I can’t stop grinning, my heart beating faster than a jackhammer at what I have planned for the day.

To be brutally honest, I’m relieved the Art Queen couldn't make it to the house. I’m having far too much fun spending time with Emily, and now that I know her grandmother isn’t coming, I can compartmentalize all of the stress waiting for me in England and escape in this American small town with the most fascinating woman on earth.

A soft knock on the door draws me out of my head, and I turn to see Emily standing at the entrance of my room, a playful glint in her eyes.

“Are you going to tell me what evil plan is brewing in that head, yet?” she asks, her lips curled into a mischievous grin.

Her eyes shimmer in the sunlight, casting her in an ethereal glow.
