Page 31 of When You Say I Do

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Evan’s ears grow red.

I groan internally, my mind racing. "Evan, if you stay, you’re going to ruin everything. Just tell William you’ve got food poisoning and have to go home."

He pats my shoulder in a mock-reassuring manner. "Relax, Emily. I'm a professional. William's in good hands." He lifts his palms and wriggles his fingers. “Myhands.”

“You don’t even know what you’re––” I begin, but William’s arrival back into the room has me dropping my tense stance and smiling at him.

William, seemingly unaware of the tension in the room, says, "Well, I must say, Evan, you're full of surprises."

"They are my specialty," Evan replies with a grin, “I used to torture my sister with mysurpriseswhen we were growing up.” He gives me a pointed look with the kind of smile that tells me he is having far too much fun with this.

I smile back but glare with my eyes.

You’re so dead.

“No doubt, you’restilldriving her crazy, and that thanks to you, she’s cursed with trust issues for life,” I shoot back through gritted teeth. But as soon as the words leave my mouth, I’m flooded with regret, and my blood rushes to my ears.

William looks curious, like an amateur sleuth at the end of a cozy mystery novel when he’s just about to crack a case.

He looks from Evan to me, then back at Evan.

Finally, his brows lift.

“Thisis your prankster brother?”

For the first time, Evan looks sheepish. He attempts to make anI’m sorry,face, but it’s too late.

The damage is already done.

I glare at him, wishing my eyes could shoot laser beams as I wonder if this is the part when all of my lies begin to unravel.

And from now on, the only kissing I’ll be doing is kissing goodbye to the thought of spending more time with William. And getting a step up in my art career. Or ever seeing my best friend again.

I might as well come clean now, and then move back home, where I’m destined to live in my parents’ basement until this town sends me to an early grave from boredom.

William turns to me again. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

I am like a mute parrot, opening my mouth and closing it soundlessly while flapping my arms. Man, I wish I could just fly out the window and get far, far away from this situation.

But it’s time. I’ve got to tell him, there’s no point keeping up the act now.

Evan is too much of a loose cannon, and William is too smart to fall for my lies.

My mouth fills with spit while my stomach churns.

I’ve let Sasha down. I’ve let her grandmother down. All because Evan letmedown.

I drop my shoulders in defeat and let out a stressed sigh.

But before I can utter a word of my confession, my brother jumps in.

“It’s my fault. I begged her not to tell you, work has been slow for me lately, and she thought that if you knew the truth, you’d think it was awkward. And I really need this.”

Evan and I wait with bated breath as we watch William digest the new information.

“I’m afraid you’ve misjudged me,” he says, resting a hand on Evan’s shoulder with a smile that makes the corners of his gorgeous eyes crease. “I understand the importance of being there for family. Knowing that you are Emily’s brother would make me all the more inclined to hire you.”

Evan’s mouth drops open, and for a split second, his mask slips.
